Vær glad for at veninnen din klarte seg så bra som hun gjorde, ver taknemmlig for det du har. Sett deg ned trek pusten dypt og visualiser hvor du vil være om noen år.
Jeg har et sitat fra et annet forum jeg tenkte kunne være til hjelp.
Beklager at jeg skriver dette på engelsk, jeg har ikke tid til å oversette det.
Well I`ve been reading this book called Dynamic thought: by Henry Thomas Hamblin.
And It`s helped me a lot.
Now the main point of the book is, You are what you think.
Now if you think you`re worthless and you suck you eventually will.
Negative thoughts bring more negative thoughts.
Basicly you just need to focous on staying positive, not an easy task I know.
It will seem incredibly hard at first. The trick is to affirm only good things in to your life, by telling your self I can do it.
And deny everything that is negative. This is not being naive, but rather, surounding yourself with positive energy, not letting circumstances drag you down.
Oh, woe is me, how can you know the pain that is my miserable existance, you may cry, from your darkened rooms, whilst listening to Him or something equally depressing.
Cause when enough pepole say you`re worthless you eventyally start beleiving it.
Let me let you inn on a little secret, Two months ago I had a nervous breakdown, wich cost me my job. Now I`ve found a new, one with less work and better pay.
So, what made me snap out of it? what made me beleive in myself?
It was at my darkest moment when the realization hit me, I am ment for more than this, I have a higher purpose. Beleive that you alreaddy have everything inside you in order to suceed, no matter what others tell you, because you have.
You have to stop judegeing yourself negatively.
Often when pepole are judeging something you`ve made or done, they are really just judging their perseption of it.
So basicly, you just have to learn to love your self, yes I know this may sound cliched or even perverse to some. But this is not a selfish kind of love, for when you love your self, you can love others more fully, because there is more love to give.
You wouldn`t want to hurt or think ill of some one you love, so why should you treat yourself any differently.
Know that you are not your physical body, know that you are not your thoughts. But that wich observes, you are life itself, you are infinate posibility.
When things seem to go against you, stop and think what am I leaning from this experiance, how can it make me stronger?
For you see, there is always a reason the way things are as they are.
Do this and you will slowly, start to develop, getting better, stronger.
With this sort of mental attitude, you will start to subconciously take actions to get you moving along. You will not by marely thinking about it, but by your actions, driven by subconcious desire attract things, pepole and events in to your life, that will lead you on your path. (yes this is the key prinsiple in the secret everybody`s been talking about.)
I myself have done this, while I wouldn`t say I have gotten everything I want from life, I am a hell of a lot closer now. I can do things, I thought I was incapable of, and who knows what I will acheive later on?
Never let go of your dreams, stribe to fulfill them, and know that the bloodied march that will scar it`s marks upon you will make the taste of victory all the sweeter.
Well, that was a rather long rant, but I hope someone finds it usefull.
With that I`ll leave you with some inspirational music,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cv5wqQgX88whttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKquVHHlhAIHvis noen føler for å snakke, så finner dere meg på msn, på knappen til venstre der.