Vi har en FAQ, den er til for å leses.
It doesn't look interesting enough, besides, if I made a user I would use it once or twice and then forget about it..Also, I'm moving this topic to the English section of the forum.
so, what you say is that we can't talk english in any other place than in the section for the "norwegian impaired"? U should have told us sooner.
Sitat fra: Regandor på 28. apr, 2008, 21:51so, what you say is that we can't talk english in any other place than in the section for the "norwegian impaired"? U should have told us sooner. It wasn't a problem before, and the only rule we had was common sense, that's the reason we didn't say anything.Sorry for your inconvenience.
Sitat fra: Aikho på 29. apr, 2008, 07:45Sitat fra: Regandor på 28. apr, 2008, 21:51so, what you say is that we can't talk english in any other place than in the section for the "norwegian impaired"? U should have told us sooner. It wasn't a problem before, and the only rule we had was common sense, that's the reason we didn't say anything.Sorry for your inconvenience.Halvparten av trådene her er på norsk da så passer da ikke helt inn i kategorien ^^ er en av de blanda trpdene så er ikke så alt for nytting for folk som ikke kan noe norsk uansett.