Skrevet av Emne: Redlining  (Lest 24696 ganger)


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« på: 11. jan, 2008, 18:59 »
I was wondering if anyone here know how to redline? I'm trying to learn anatomy better, and i could kinda use some help.. I draw mostly humans and felines, tho i also have the occational different/unknown species:p

Oh, and if anyone could give me some hints on how to make faces, that would be of real help^^,


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« Svar #1 på: 11. jan, 2008, 19:16 »
Jeg kunne prøve, men jeg kan ikke love alt for gode resultater!

ETA: Du skulle ha hengt ved det du skulle ha RLina, sånn kunne folk ha sett hva de har å gjøre med og du hadde fått flere inlegg
« Siste redigering: 11. jan, 2008, 19:28 av Kalamu »


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« Svar #2 på: 11. jan, 2008, 19:37 »
veit også at det fins communities på lj som har det for målet, men om det hjelper veit jeg ikke  [puzzled]


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« Svar #3 på: 11. jan, 2008, 20:30 »
veit også at det fins communities på lj som har det for målet, men om det hjelper veit jeg ikke  [puzzled]

Visst hjelper det!


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« Svar #4 på: 12. jan, 2008, 02:51 »
Jeg kunne prøve, men jeg kan ikke love alt for gode resultater!

ETA: Du skulle ha hengt ved det du skulle ha RLina, sånn kunne folk ha sett hva de har å gjøre med og du hadde fått flere inlegg

Great idea^^, Posting my crappy sketches online for /everyone/ to see:s I'll IM you a link to it:p


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« Svar #5 på: 12. jan, 2008, 02:56 »
Jeg kunne prøve, men jeg kan ikke love alt for gode resultater!

ETA: Du skulle ha hengt ved det du skulle ha RLina, sånn kunne folk ha sett hva de har å gjøre med og du hadde fått flere inlegg

Great idea^^, Posting my crappy sketches online for /everyone/ to see:s I'll IM you a link to it:p

Fshhh, I do that all the time. You get over it after a while, but hokay, Pm me the sketch and I'll see what I can do


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« Svar #6 på: 12. jan, 2008, 02:58 »
I just don't want people to see my stuff that's like that:p It's really embarressing:s I'm not very good at drawing yet...


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« Svar #7 på: 12. jan, 2008, 03:35 »
KAin, no one was ever good at drawings in the beginning..I utterly scuk hardcoer.

but I don't evenm try to learn it..


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« Svar #8 på: 12. jan, 2008, 03:37 »
Well, i /am/ trying to learn it:p I've ben doing this for over  a year now, and i'm /still/ bad at it:p Besides, i saw your drawing in that other post... I think you're better than i am:p


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« Svar #9 på: 12. jan, 2008, 04:05 »
Hehe, it wasn't me who drwe that.

It was a comission and he did great if you ask me.

I haev no artistic skills at all.


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« Svar #10 på: 12. jan, 2008, 14:54 »
Well, i didn't start drawing until last year actually... I want to be better than drawing my own fursona:p I've come a long way in  the past year, from barely being able to draw stick figures to now being able to actually draw humans /with/ anatomy:)

Sure, it's not perfect yet, but i'm not gonna stop here... For the past months, after i stopped caring about coloring what i make, my style has really speed up and improved. I'm still wobbly without some kinda ref to draw from, and i don't think that part will be any better for at least a few years... But i'm getting there:) At least now, if i draw without ref, i'm better than i was 5 months ago:p As in, now it actually looks like a /real/ character:D

I'm not really at the place to draw shadow/lighting on the character yet. I'm on the "mastering drawing in muscles and getting the limbs anatomically correct" phase:p

On the other hand, i really should start drawing from life soon... That's hard i think, but maybe that's just something that's /really/ gonna improve my style if i learn it... Any thoughts about that?


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« Svar #11 på: 12. jan, 2008, 15:34 »
Care to share how you started practicing a year ago to get to where you are now? Stick figures are hard :)


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« Svar #12 på: 12. jan, 2008, 16:03 »
I want to learn ow to draw as well! PLease share the information, where did you learn it?!


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« Svar #13 på: 12. jan, 2008, 16:32 »
This is where I started two years ago: polykarbon and mangatutorials .. but I'm realy not drawing for any gold medal, just when I feel like drawing (and that isn't ofen ^^;;)


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« Svar #14 på: 12. jan, 2008, 17:38 »
I agree with Braxa on this one guys. Copying manga or cartoons in general is not the best way (as dear Rob Liefield has proved, again and agan: to learn anatomy

As for the redlining. Dude, if you're looking for perfection on muscles and such I am not the right person for the job. I took a look at your drawing and so far it looks pretty decent. I'm not going to redline it because a) I will (as Braxa said) only pass my mistakes over to you and b) disappoint you greatly. Sorry :(


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« Svar #15 på: 12. jan, 2008, 19:39 »
Omg! You're just trying to wiggle your way out of redlining for me:p Shame on you:p hehe

But anyways, it's not like i /really/ need it... A little feedback would do more i think:) you can give me that if you want to^^, But no comment on those faces:p lol^^,

Anyways... For the question on where i started out:

Well, i bought some "how to" books on cartoon animals. Which were like, /really/ cartoony... That gave me an easy entrance into getting shapes right and learning a little about basic tools for drawing. It also gave me a clue about what direction i wanted to take, and what i prefer to draw.

Then i went in a chosen direction, and i started to just draw... Tons of drawings! All were really crappy:p But it was needed for me to get a sense of how to "set up a character". Think of it as trying to compile a character using boxes and circles and such, only it was more like, advanced stickmen:p I tried all kinds of poses out, made some pictures in color, sketched and had fun. I made all kinds of weird expressions and added comments to the sketches to make it all fun:p

Now and then, i made an entire picture, and posted it to show people my improvement.  Over time, i went from this:

To this:

To this:

To this:

And to the recent thing i'm trying to do, which i wanted to get some feedback on... And dammit you all to hell if you focus on those faces!!:p hehe:p I only drew those cos they looks freaky without heads:p I'm gonna get to the heads later:s

If anyone have any questions on anything, you can ask... I'll try to answer to the best of my ability:) I might also be purrsuaded to post some of my older pictures for people to see if they want to. They aren't the best, but it will maybe give people a look at how someone improves over the first year of drawing....


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« Svar #16 på: 14. jan, 2008, 00:12 »
Omg! You're just trying to wiggle your way out of redlining for me:p Shame on you:p hehe

Hardly. Seriously, I'd do it, but when my own anatomical skills are about the same as yours I don't really see the need


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« Svar #17 på: 14. jan, 2008, 00:59 »
That's ok, i was only joking anyway:)

I'm doing good on my own, but now and then, i need someone to go over and make sure i haven't gotten any nasty habits:p

Ziggy Wolf

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« Svar #18 på: 19. jan, 2008, 14:36 »
Check out online drawing lessons like this one also avalable on dvd.
they're also avalable on youtube, or on torrent, I aint gone tell you where so you'l have to find em yourself.
I'm gonna buy/steal em as son as I upgrade this peice of crap pc I'm working on.
Alternetivly I'd sugjest downloading daz3d and useing 3d models as drawing refferences.
they also have a model of Krystal from Starfox wich is avalable here
Other than that I sugjest getting a hold of a copy of dynamic anathomy.
Or just browsing trough a few comic books.
The how to draw manga books are also a great resource.


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« Svar #19 på: 19. jan, 2008, 22:56 »
Thanks for that suggestion, being a pretty decent user of uhh... i mean, i know where to borrow that stuff from(Friends are neat:p), i'll see if i can find it somewhere^^,

You might find this interesting maybe...


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« Svar #20 på: 20. jan, 2008, 17:09 »
Thanks for that suggestion, being a pretty decent user of uhh... i mean, i know where to borrow that stuff from(Friends are neat:p), i'll see if i can find it somewhere^^,

You might find this interesting maybe...

Hurra! Jeg elsker posemaniacs. Jeg pleier å komme i skikkelig tegnehumør av å holde på med det, pluss at jeg lærer anatomi da. Har ikke holdt på med det på ei stund, takk for at du minnte meg på det


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« Svar #21 på: 21. jan, 2008, 03:44 »
No problem^^, Someone at FA showed me this page recently^^, I liked it, the page i wanted redlined is kinda made by looking at this page. I found that page to be really handy, so i'm gonna keep using it for practice:)


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« Svar #22 på: 03. apr, 2008, 21:20 »
They way I learned how to draw was by reading the book "Drawing on the right side of the brain" by Betty Edwards, it's written by a Phd in arts and crafts. The book has a neurological approach to the skill of drawing, and focuses heavily on the minds ability to see lines and draw them. The book is arranged just as an artclass, and it worked wonders for me. Costs about 100nok on amazon I belive. That's my tip anyways. Good luck, and dont give up!


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« Svar #23 på: 04. apr, 2008, 20:10 »
Well I am glad to have a dog at home, so I have sommething to draw, but you do not know, how hard it is to get a dog to sit still?
Actually, one of the most important themes in the World is that we can all, as individuals, make a choice, and that making the right choice is very important. No matter if our political ideologies are communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism or other. And that choice does not only affect us.

Ziggy Wolf

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« Svar #24 på: 06. apr, 2008, 19:47 »
Well I'd sugjest getting ahold of some basic how to draw books. Get the ones with the most pictures, Burne hogart is one of the best out there, but is better reserved for intermediette artists. The how to draw manga series are also good and even features a few pages on how to do furries beleive it or not.
Alternetively you could look up FA and DA and copy artists and try to personalize that style.
I know there are a few good tutureals on DA, just search for it, it's helped me alot.
you should srsly check out tis dude called Ricen Phenix
You should also get daz 3d wich is a free 3d figure program, where you can manipulate 3d figures and use them as models.
I'd sugjest getting ahold of a few animal drawing books.  As far as furries are concerned I'd sugjest getting the deformed characters book from the how to draw manga series and combine it with what's in the animal drawing books. Cause Furries are in essense defoemed humanoids.
If you want I could make a simple tutureal based on the teachings of Tittan, Davinchi and Micehangelo, following a simple set of rules on how to deal with anathomy.
I'm just an amateur intermediete artist So I'm not pro or annything....yet,
But I'm sure I can help give beginners a nudge in the right direction, I have like a 20 gigg library of drawing stuff.
You could always contact me on and I could give you a few tutureals and pointers.
I guess the only way to suceed at this is to draw alot, keep a sketchbook handy at all times, and just draw, doesn't matter what just draw that's the most important advice I can give I guess.
I'd love to discuss art with fellow furrs.
« Siste redigering: 06. apr, 2008, 19:52 av Ziggy_wolf »