Hello, krushdbug.
I had a friend of mine translate all of the posts in this topic and would like to express my interest for an interview - preferrably not face to face, I fear. I have chosen a name different to what I normally use on the Internet for this very purpose to not only protect my online identity, but also to protect my offline identity. Considering the amount of Fursecutioners (anti-furries who, in their effort to ruin the furry fandom, has caused a lot of insecurity and necessary paranoia in relation to interactions with the media) and their extremist behaviour, I'd not want to endanger my friends or family. I do hope you understand.
I live in Norway and have been researching the furry subculture in this country for over five years and I believe I can shed some light on questions, misconceptions and/or issues that will, have or might arise as a result of your article. I do not read or speak Norwegian too well and would prefer to conduct the interview (if any) in English.
I am by no means a 'scientist' of any official standards, nor am I a 'furry' (which I'd consider to be an offensive term for the subculture's members; I normally prefer to use 'anthro' instead, which is much more general and leaves less room for intentional misinterpretation) but I sympathize with the subculture and I promised a friend (who was an anthro until a small group of Fursecutioners discovered his real identity and sabotaged his life, ending in my friend now living with me because he no longer has a home) that I'd make every effort to relinquish the negative impression of the subculture and advertise it for what it is: a medium for free thinking, creativity and socialization. Anthros are largely one of the most accepting & friendly subcultures I have ever had the joy of researching and it is such a shame that society makes every effort at demonizing anthros simply because they have the guts to be different.
The scepticism held by the members of Norwegian Paws is understandable and well-justified, but I assure them that my intentions are NOT to demonize; only to educate and shed a different light on this severely misunderstood subculture.
I am, however, very objective in the way I work; I do not make things into what they are not, but I also don't sugarcoat things. Any and all questions would be answered objectively.
I would also be willing to forward questions from Norwegian Paws to you (anonymously, of course) & relay your answers back to them and vice verse.
And thanks for taking this initiative; we need more open minds such as yourself in this world full of prejudice and segregation.