Skrevet av Emne: Hei ^_^ (English topic)  (Lest 28135 ganger)


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Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« på: 05. jan, 2008, 15:43 »
Hi there *huggles everyone* =:3

First of all, let me apologise for my lack of Norwegian. I may have a Scandinavian name but my skills in the language are pretty bad :(

I'm a happy, smiley, bouncing, 21 year old bunny from that cold and wet little island known as the UK. I live in a town called Bolton which is near Manchester. I don't particularly like it here and plan to move elsewhere sometime in the future.

I have always loved everything Scandinavian (as you may guess from my name :3), but more specifically Norway. I love the language (the sound of it makes me all gooey, it's sooo lovely), the country, and the people ^_^. I haven't, however, come across many Norwegian furs :(

In fact, I've only ever seen 1. He was one of the very first I ever met nearly a year ago and he is such a sweetie ^_^ (I found out about this forum from him but he doesn't post here anymore) but since then I haven't seen anymore Norsk Furs which is a shame :(

I'm not sure what else to write now, so if anyone wants to know more then just ask away

Nice to meet you all =:3


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #1 på: 05. jan, 2008, 17:52 »
Hi there greetings from a russian wolf, who commands both English and Norwegian more or less perfectely. Don't worry I won't eat you, even though you look a bit tasty, I'm currently on a diet :) Hope you'll have a great time here. Wolf out.
Actually, one of the most important themes in the World is that we can all, as individuals, make a choice, and that making the right choice is very important. No matter if our political ideologies are communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism or other. And that choice does not only affect us.


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #2 på: 05. jan, 2008, 21:54 »
[laugh] I've been hunting dust bunnies every day for so long, so no more bunnies for me .. It just gives me a bad cough.

Well, enough of the jokes ^^;; Welcome, nice of you to join us, if you check confuzzled then you can see that there will be some furs heading to Manchester, and if you are going to EuroFurence then you can expect a whole busload of Norwegian furs ^^ we are planing a trip there this year.. it's gonna be fun.

um.. I'm in a rush .. will return.


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #3 på: 05. jan, 2008, 22:18 »
Kanin ^^
Nice to meet you.
Maby  I'll even meet you on confuzzled this year?


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #4 på: 05. jan, 2008, 22:42 »
Welcome :D have a nice time!


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #5 på: 05. jan, 2008, 23:08 »
hey there. welcome, nice to have you here ^^ if you ever need lessons in norwegian, ask and I'll try my best. also if you come to eurofurence this year you might meet up to several norwegian.. atleast thats what they say ^^


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #6 på: 06. jan, 2008, 10:47 »
Salutations from another Norwegian Wolf Kanin.

^_^ *Shakes the bunnies paw* hope you'll have a nice time while being here :D

Gray Fang

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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #7 på: 06. jan, 2008, 13:01 »
Hi Kanin and Welcome :) hope ya get some fun outa this page, tho since mostly is on norwegian it might be hard too understand hehe


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #8 på: 06. jan, 2008, 19:21 »
Thank you all very much for your kind welcomes *Bunnyhuggles everyone* ^-^

I know it'll be difficult to post much here because of the language, but maybe it'll help me with my Norwegian whilst I try.

I'm also very very shy so I don't know about going to Confuzzled or Eurofurence. I've never even been to a local meet >_<


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #9 på: 06. jan, 2008, 20:09 »
Thank you all very much for your kind welcomes *Bunnyhuggles everyone* ^-^

I know it'll be difficult to post much here because of the language, but maybe it'll help me with my Norwegian whilst I try.

I'm also very very shy so I don't know about going to Confuzzled or Eurofurence. I've never even been to a local meet >_<

But one day have to be the first. :3
It's not like well bite..
unless you're into that kind of stuff.


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #10 på: 06. jan, 2008, 23:37 »
Hi and welcome!

I hope you will spend some time here and look at all the strange, foreign words. Then when I go to Manchester for Confuzzled (even if you won't be attending) I can find you and make you gooey.

Uhm. With language, that is. Just clarifying, as some people around here have dirty minds.  [cool]


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #11 på: 07. jan, 2008, 00:11 »
Uhm. With language, that is. Just clarifying, as some people around here have dirty minds.  [cool]



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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #12 på: 07. jan, 2008, 01:08 »
Rwar, indeed we do, we're furs of all things..We're BORN dirty.minded..


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #13 på: 07. jan, 2008, 07:49 »
I know it'll be difficult to post much here because of the language, but maybe it'll help me with my Norwegian whilst I try.

Nah, most people here are already decent in English themselves or at least know how to read it. I'm sure we'll figure out something

Oh, and your language makes me a bit gooey as well, to put it mildly. I especially love English accents with a rolling R, such as Scottish. Then I rather like really, really proper English, complete with stiff upper lip. Heck, I just love language in general

May I ask what's your favourite Norwegian/Scandinavian dialect? If you have one, of course


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #14 på: 07. jan, 2008, 07:58 »
Welcome to Norway! (Or at least a furry part of it, in cyberspace)

We do have the "For the Norwegian-impaired" section, and i´m pretty sure there will be lots of activity there once someone (you? ;3) start posting there.

Not that i´m trying to exclude you from the other parts of the forum of course. As Kalamu said, most people here can communicate in english, so that shouldn´t be a problem.

Enjoy your stay
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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #15 på: 07. jan, 2008, 08:15 »
Rwar, indeed we do, we're furs of all things..We're BORN dirty.minded..

Really, that's just because you're male, not furry xD


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #16 på: 07. jan, 2008, 08:35 »
Rwar, indeed we do, we're furs of all things..We're BORN dirty.minded..

Really, that's just because you're male, not furry xD

haha, seconds that!

Gray Fang

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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #17 på: 07. jan, 2008, 08:51 »
hehehehe  [laugh] so true so true.... tho male+furry dosent exactly make it any better xD


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #18 på: 07. jan, 2008, 11:36 »
hehehehe  [laugh] so true so true.... tho male+furry dosent exactly make it any better xD

yea. male+furry is what ppl call "sexbeast".  :P
« Siste redigering: 07. jan, 2008, 15:58 av Regandor »

Miles T.F. Baxxter

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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #19 på: 07. jan, 2008, 13:15 »
Well met and welcome to the forum, Kanin! Hope to see more of you here. As Felix pointed out, we do have a section specifically for non-Norwegian chit-chatting.

Any plans on visiting Norway someday, then? And may I ask who this Norwegian fur was that you met?

And don't mind the dirty minded furs.  [wink]

Gray Fang

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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #20 på: 07. jan, 2008, 13:18 »
Well met and welcome to the forum, Kanin! Hope to see more of you here. As Felix pointed out, we do have a section specifically for non-Norwegian chit-chatting.

Any plans on visiting Norway someday, then? And may I ask who this Norwegian fur was that you met?

And don't mind the dirty minded furs.  [wink]

yes it's the ones that appears too not have a dirty mind ya should worry about ^^ they are the worst of all  [laugh] just sitting there... looking all innocent.. then BAM!!... and ya know the rest if ya got a dirty mind ^^ hehe

well just don't turn ya back on em... unless ya want too [wink]


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #21 på: 07. jan, 2008, 16:00 »
well just don't turn ya back on em... unless ya want too [wink]

Suprice buttsex! thehe!  [laugh]


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #22 på: 07. jan, 2008, 17:35 »
I dunt liek buttseksh....

Anyhow...Yeah, we're all insane! Like most furs are, but we're worse...We do not have any lines!


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #23 på: 07. jan, 2008, 17:58 »
I dunt liek buttseksh....

Anyhow...Yeah, we're all insane! Like most furs are, but we're worse...We do not have any lines!

Yeah, try saying that to a Zebra!


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Sv: Hei ^_^ (English topic)
« Svar #24 på: 07. jan, 2008, 20:38 »
Ooo lots of lovely replies ^_^

I'll do my very best to reply to them all *takes a deep breath*

It's not like well bite..
unless you're into that kind of stuff.

A bit of nibbling is fine by me *blushes*

Then when I go to Manchester for Confuzzled (even if you won't be attending) I can find you and make you gooey.

Ooooo, I'm going weak at knees just thinking about it ^^

Oh, and your language makes me a bit gooey as well, to put it mildly. I especially love English accents with a rolling R, such as Scottish. Then I rather like really, really proper English, complete with stiff upper lip. Heck, I just love language in general

May I ask what's your favourite Norwegian/Scandinavian dialect? If you have one, of course

Hehe, I'm afraid I don't have a proper English accent. It's very Northern.

As for the dialect I'm not sure of their names. I love it when my Norwegian friend speaks to me and he lives in Oslo (was brought up in Lofoten though) and his accent is very "light".

We do have the "For the Norwegian-impaired" section, and i´m pretty sure there will be lots of activity there once someone (you? ;3) start posting there

Hehe, I saw that forum, but zero posts made me a sad bunny :(

Any plans on visiting Norway someday, then? And may I ask who this Norwegian fur was that you met?

And don't mind the dirty minded furs.  [wink]

I would love to visit Norway sometime this year to meet my friend. I'm not sure if you know him, but he goes by the name of Micah. He's a snow-kitty from Oslo.

Hehe and I don't mind the dirty minded furs. I am a bunny afterall *looks away shyfully*

I think I answered everyones questions ^_^

And many many thanks for all the lovely replies, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy *Bunny Huggles to all*