Ooo lots of lovely replies ^_^
I'll do my very best to reply to them all *takes a deep breath*
It's not like well bite..
unless you're into that kind of stuff.
A bit of nibbling is fine by me *blushes*
Then when I go to Manchester for Confuzzled (even if you won't be attending) I can find you and make you gooey.
Ooooo, I'm going weak at knees just thinking about it ^^
Oh, and your language makes me a bit gooey as well, to put it mildly. I especially love English accents with a rolling R, such as Scottish. Then I rather like really, really proper English, complete with stiff upper lip. Heck, I just love language in general
May I ask what's your favourite Norwegian/Scandinavian dialect? If you have one, of course
Hehe, I'm afraid I don't have a proper English accent. It's very Northern.
As for the dialect I'm not sure of their names. I love it when my Norwegian friend speaks to me and he lives in Oslo (was brought up in Lofoten though) and his accent is very "light".
We do have the "For the Norwegian-impaired" section, and i´m pretty sure there will be lots of activity there once someone (you? ;3) start posting there
Hehe, I saw that forum, but zero posts made me a sad bunny

Any plans on visiting Norway someday, then? And may I ask who this Norwegian fur was that you met?
And don't mind the dirty minded furs. ![fox-wink [wink]](/forum/Smileys/default/redfox_wink.gif)
I would love to visit Norway sometime this year to meet my friend. I'm not sure if you know him, but he goes by the name of Micah. He's a snow-kitty from Oslo.
Hehe and I don't mind the dirty minded furs. I am a bunny afterall *looks away shyfully*
I think I answered everyones questions ^_^
And many many thanks for all the lovely replies, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy *Bunny Huggles to all*