Skrevet av Emne: Alternative nyttårstaler  (Lest 7941 ganger)

Ziggy Wolf

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Alternative nyttårstaler
« på: 01. jan, 2010, 01:43 »
På tide å oppsummere året, så har du noe du vil si om året som har gått?

Her er mitt bidrag uansett, tatt fra FA sia mi, "kremt Kremt, styrter et glass champagne, og gurgler det."

So, yet another year of decadence crawls to a staggerung hault. Pounced upon by the oncomeing year of the tiger. As with most people I reckon, the whole family is gathered, cussing , swearing, yelling and barking at the moon. Home is a nice place to visit, I just would't wanna live there. No wonder I fit so nicely in to the fandom when I was brought up like a fraggin animal. But, you know what I still love my family. Well the year has gone by with more of the same crap from the media, we've come to expect, yet we always let ourselves be scared in to mass hysteria. A lot of fannatics beleive the time of rekoning is upon us. The four hoursemen each bringing with them terrorists, global warming and the freaggin swineflu, or somthing else that might kill you. The so called financial chrisis, caused by widespread panic, and nerves strung up so tight they finnaly snap. No wonder really, with imagionary terrorists lurking around every corner. God forbid annyone got on a plane with a pair of dirty underwear. Oh well, the year has gone by with its squables, barks, miaoing and squeaks. The yanks have finally come to their sences and done something with what they call a health system. On a personal note, I`ve discovered that there are a few furrs arround me, Who would have guessed in Freaggin Norway off all places. So I look forward to getting deeper fown the foxes hole and getting more involved in the community up here. Oh on a side note, I`m getting married!! I mean, who can resist a knight in shining armor? Ok newyears resolutions, Show up to my own weadding.
Throw a big pie in the face of my best man if he so much as mentions the shotting incident in the sherrfs officice cellar (please don`t ask you really don`t wanna know, thrust me)
Stop smoking, yeah like that will ever happen.
Oh yea and by the way you`ll be seing a lot more quality art from this year on! Happy Newyear everyfur.
« Siste redigering: 01. jan, 2010, 01:49 av Ziggy_wolf »

Ziggy Wolf

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Sv: Alternative nyttårstaler
« Svar #1 på: 01. jan, 2011, 01:03 »
Ziggys anual new years speech  2011

Bitches and gentlemongrels,
Now that I am substancialy drunk, i'ts time to review the year that has passed. Months have come and gone with the drama we have come to love and lothe. Polisies on FA changed, was it right? Some beleive so, some beleive it is a slapp in the face of free speech, some beleive it was nesesary. Who am I to say? Never the less, little choise was left. In the past we have had to fend of those who seek to drag our good name down. This year however there have been a lot of if you pardon the expression bitching and bickering amungst the fandom. And at times downright bullying.
Many on The FA forms sadly do not represent most of the values this fandom once cherished. Openness, acceptance, and equality. 
I remember an incident  I'm sure you all recall this sumner, where people, ganged up on someone who was just reaching out trough lonelyness and despair for someone to talk to. So many of us have been rejected by society, shoved aside for either being or choising to be different. We should know better. Is this the same fandom I grew up with?  Come on people, we're better than that.  On the bright side more money has sbeen raised for charity than ever before, trough cons. Music espesially trough sofurry and furrymusic have gained a stronger foothold in the fandom. And I must say I like what I hear. Despite some internal quarreling and minor online attacks, the fandom remains strong. This year I hope that more remember the values this fandom used to be admired for. We are one, a diverse fandom uniteing trough a common culture, celebrating diverity. To all of you, no matter gender, orientation, religion or interests no matter who you are, I wish you the best of luck this year.
And this year I'll see some of you at EF. Thank you and good night. 


  • Gjest
Sv: Alternative nyttårstaler
« Svar #2 på: 01. jan, 2011, 01:16 »
Jeg vil nå holde en tale
for de tjukke og de smale,
men oh shit,
for at talen ikke skal bli så lang
slutter jeg bare med en gang.


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Sv: Alternative nyttårstaler
« Svar #3 på: 01. jan, 2011, 01:22 »
Jeg vil nå holde en tale
for de tjukke og de smale,
men oh shit,
for at talen ikke skal bli så lang
slutter jeg bare med en gang.
For en med sår hals, var det et helvete å lese.
.. mao, jeg lo. XD


  • Gjest
Sv: Alternative nyttårstaler
« Svar #4 på: 01. jan, 2011, 01:37 »
Jeg vil nå holde en tale
for de tjukke og de smale,
men oh shit,
for at talen ikke skal bli så lang
slutter jeg bare med en gang.
For en med sår hals, var det et helvete å lese.
.. mao, jeg lo. XD

8D Nå ble jeg glaaad <3
For at du lo altså, om det var noen tvil >:c

Dax Cyro

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Sv: Alternative nyttårstaler
« Svar #5 på: 01. jan, 2011, 02:00 »
**cracks knuckles**
Jeg kan oppsummere 2010 som en opplevelse og en overaskelse. På godt og vondt.
Mange planer har blitt gjennomført, samtidig som mange andre planer har måtte bli satt på is.
Jeg kunne aldri ha forutsett at 2010 ville ta den retningen den gjorde.

Og nå den lange forklaringen. For 2011 spådommer se siste avsnitt ;)

Dax sine planer for 2010:
- Håpet litt på at året kunne fortsette som året før uten for mange prøvelser.
- Fast jobb hos min tidligere arbeidsgiver, eller hos en annen lokal arbeidsgiver.
- Slå meg ned på i mjøsområdet.
- Spare opp og kjøpe bil.
- Finne meg en kjæreste.
- Dra og oppleve Anthrocon 2010.
- Bestemme meg for om jeg skulle skaffe fursuit, hvordan det skulle eventuelt se ut og hvilken utendlandsk bygger jeg skulle bestille i fra.

Hvordan 2010 egentlig utartet seg:
- Endte opp med et ganske trubulent år. Arbeidsnarkomane Dax måtte lære seg å være uten jobb, og jeg får normalt noia bare i løpet av en uke med ferie.
  Masse nye triks og endringer i rutiner måtte til.
- Null jobb, men fikk mye unik erfaring gjennom en helt latterlig mengde jobbintervjuer.
  F.eks. nervene man pleier å ha når man skal møte nye folk er totalt borte.
- Heller mer og mer mot å flytte tilbake til Oslo. Jeg kjenner for mange i området og har for mange interessante arbeidsplasser der.
- Null bil. Deler av oppsparte ressurser ble fokusert på jobbsøking og furmeets/cons isteden, men angrer ikke på det.
- Fortsatt singel, men har ikke død av det ;)
- Anthrocon endte opp langt ut over egne forventninger, og ble kombinert med Eurofurence i sammen slengen.
- Dax havnet på ref.sheet, og ble heldigvis overbevist til å la jobben bli gjort her i Norge.
- Og mange positive overaskelser.

Så... hvordan kommer 2011 til å bli?
Som i fjor har jeg mange planer/forventninger, men jeg vet ærligtalt ikke hvor jeg vil ende opp.
Min filosofi, og mitt beste tips til andre, er å legge planer men samtidig forvente at alt kan bli endret.
Den beste måten å håndtere det ukjente er å ha en hovedplan og litt alternativer liggende klare.
Mest sannsynligvis vil ting gå en helt annen vei, men da vet man i det minste hvor mye planene endret seg :)

Ziggy Wolf

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Sv: Alternative nyttårstaler
« Svar #6 på: 31. des, 2011, 19:28 »
Og så årets alternative nyttårstale hele 2 minutter før hans majestet.

Well, it's that time of year again, time to reflect upon days since passed. Praice that you survived yet anoher year to whatever figment of your imagination you derm to be your chosen diety. For most of you the Yiff fairy I reckon. Despite ridicule from Taboo on National Geigraphic and a not to bad documentary on Swedish television. 2011 marked the release of what many consider the best furry themed movie from withinn the fandom ever made. Bitter Lake. I was quite astoubded to se it at Eurofurance this year. 

This year was the first year I attended a furry con. First off was Furtastic in Denmark. While a smal con I think in certain areas it  surpasses other cons. No other con experiance, can even cone close to matching the level of intenacy, openness and comeradery I felt there. It sure beat the shit out of the reception I got at EF. Where a grumpy old overdressed lady yelled "er papiren bitte!!". While at Furtastic I was greeted with a hug. Eurofurance was my first big con, and I have to admit I shef a tear when we drove up to the entrance, blocking the traffic in both directions, and a bunch or suiters greeted eachoter. I had had an Eurofurance poster on my wall for so long that it had gone yellow and  at last fallen off. In short I had waited my entire life for this. To put it short it was like Disneyland on crack. Despite being overly drunk the entire time,  I have seldom experianced a more welcomming atmosfare. 

Despite many good thing this year there have been events that have scared our hearts. The Tsunami and accident at Fukushima, earth quakes int the middle east, and extreme weather. It is clear that mother earth exptesses her discomfort.

 A tragedy  struck close to the heart of the Norwegian people. On the 22nd of july a lone gunman shot down 68 teenagers at Utøya, and detonated s bomb at the government quarters. Some of the survivors my close personal friends. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. The world was astonished that we still do not arm our police, save in the case of an extreme situation. And while many would have reacted with anger and riots, Oslo was flooded with a sea of flowers and symphaty. People standing together faceing sorrow and comforting eachoter in our time if need. While many countries hold parades on their national holidays displaying tanks, weapons and millitary strength. We display our greatest strength: our children. A wize man once said we do not inherrit the world from our forefathers, but bortow it from our children. This is our way. 
Despite the tragedy, do we not as a society share atleast a shread of blame for allowing our society to create such a madman? For harbouring extremeism at both sides? For embraceing the so called political corectness? In Norway like many other nations it has become harder to exoress ones concerns despite promises of more openness. I urge you do not sucomb to fear, do not hesitate to speak your mind, nor dissalow others the same right. For if we sucomb to fear and beleive the lies that the powers that be, I fear for the future of us all. 

On a more pleasent note this year marks the greatest chang to my life thus far. On the 21st of April my son was born. Will he follow in his fathes footstepps? Join the fandom as I did. While my friends and family feel this only natural, I will not persuade him one way or the other, that choice is his alone to make when the time comes. 

I hope you all had a good year, happy newyear everyone.