Hei Magicfolk!
Jeg har nettopp skrevet en.. 890 ord i forhold til et deck jeg kjapt satte sammen fordi jeg og en anne skulle spille tidligere idag. Så for å revitalisere denne tråden, og skape litt diskusjon, så limer jeg inn det her~
(Den siste biten anngående Cockatrice gjelder for folk her inne også.)
Oh god I love this game! <3 Played since last summer, aproximately.
Since I'm supposed to go to bed, I'm going to write down the deck me and a dude from the local magic community played over ze interwebs. (We were sitting with our decks in front of us. But. Yeah). Just going to point out right away that this is a really fugly version of a deck, that is not really competitive on the highest level. But we both wanted to play, so I threw it together relatively quickly. Anyway, here goes.
The deck I'll be telling you about, is solar flare. A control shell, with a reanimator aspect slapped ontop of it. In other words kill and counter what your opponent does, while getting big things into the graveyard, that you reanimate with unburial rites. (Alternatively you can hardcast the spells. This is something I have to do often, as I don't have that many things to put fatties in the graveyard. I allways intend to put merfolk looters in the main deck, but I'll get back to this later.)
The deck is three colors, blue white and black.
Here's the deck!
3x Drowned Catacpmbs
4x Darkslick Shores
3x Isolated Chapel
4x Glacial Fortress
4x Islands
3x Swamp
5x Plains
Total: 26
1x Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
2x Sun Titan
2x Grave Titan
1x Consecrated Sphinx
1x Wurmcoil Engine
2x Fiend Hunter
1x Precursor Golem
Total: 10
2x Tribute to Hunger
1x Go for the Throat
1x Doom Bade
2x Day of Judgment
Total 6
4x Mana Leak
2x Dissipate
Total: 6
Card Draw:
4x Forbidden Alchemy
Total 4
2x Gideon Jura
Other spells:
3x Unburial Rites
1x Army of the Damned
2x Timely Reinforcements
Control the opponent with removal and counter magic, try and get a creature in the graveyard to unburial rites it, or alternatively hardcast it. Grave titan is a force in itself, and sun titan can get things back from the graveyard (Fiend hunter, is the most notable thing in this iteration of the deck. Attacking with sun titan, and using the triggered ability to get back a fiend hunter from the graveyard to eat a defender/big creature). In this version I have win conditions in the form of army of the damned (put 13 2/2 zombie tokens on the battlefield. This coupled with Elesh Norn, who gives your things +2/+2, it can be fun. Though Army of the Damned is a sorcery.), and Gideon Jura.
First of all, the manabase. I, with a few exceptions, copied the manabase from a solar flare deck I found on the internet. There was some lands I didn't have (Nephalia Drownyard), that I would totally include if that was an option.
As for the deck itself, I, as said, threw this together fast. There's a lot of changes I would like to make.
There's definitely changes to be made. And there's a few changes I would do. Or at least cards I would like to have in.
For starters, 3 snapcaster mage. Snapcaster mage is a beautiful card. Using this, you can recast spells from the graveyard as needed.
Secondly, I have two phantasmal images that would be nice to include. Since they cost two mana, they can be fetched with sun titan. One fun thing is if you have two images in the graveyard, and play sun titan. Suddenly you have three titans, and say an extra land or cheap creature in play. Phantasmal image can also deal with annoying legendary creatures. (I'm looking at you, Thrun the last troll!)
Thirdly, I would probably put in one or two white sun's zenith instead of army of the damned. It's instant speed. It makes x ammount of 2/2s. Cast this baby end of your opponents turn, cast ELesh norn, and attack for lots (for example.)
Fourthly, I would add some more card draw somehow, in the form of 2-3 think twice. Because I need it.
Fifthly, seeing as I need to get things into the grave, a card like merfolk looter would be good. Don't know how many, and with what in the deck I'd change it for.
Sixthly, the removal suite is lacking, in my opinion. Too tired to write down the reasons for why, though.
As a closing note for this magicwritepuke, I just want to say that the sideboard I haven't thought about, this is because this isn't the build I*d run if I would take this to a tournament or whatever. And also that I would most definitely build differently, based on the local metagame. This was quickly put together based loosely on a decklist I found online.
<Will continue with points later, if he can find any more. And see what points others have brought up, and discuss them. C:>
Now, I'm going to sleep. And by going to sleep, I mean watch a stream of some sort. Probably Starcraft 2.
Also, anyone wants to play using Cockatrice (lol it has cockinit). It's a free MtG thingymagig for online magic. No need to buy cards or anything. All you have to do is register an account. Yes I know papermagic is more magical and better (according to some, and I agree), but it would be good fun.

At least in my opinion. Anyone interested?
http://cockatrice.de/index.php?a=download LINKY