Skrevet av Emne: American Fox in Oslo from June 10-15  (Lest 6422 ganger)


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American Fox in Oslo from June 10-15
« på: 21. apr, 2014, 08:02 »
Hey all,

I'm a fox from Austin, Texas and I'm going to be visiting Norway this summer. I've visited twice before, and I know T.F. Baxxter, Mouseclick, Sarovak, Skarpen, and a few other Norwegian folk.

I love board games, especially casual roleplaying-style games like Betrayal at the House on the Hill, which I plan on bringing with me, and I also like the storytelling game Once Upon a Time. I'll play almost any type of board game, though, and I'm a big fan of the Youtube series "Tabletop".

As of now, it appears that I'll arrive around June 7th (plus or minus one week) and I'll stay for perhaps a week, but my plans are open to change. I'm looking at staying at a hostel, but if anyone has a spare bed or couch and wants to offer crash space, I'd be quite glad for that.
« Siste redigering: 06. jun, 2014, 13:49 av Fox »

Dax Cyro

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Sv: American Fox visiting Norway in June
« Svar #1 på: 21. apr, 2014, 09:42 »
Hi again, Fox.
I remember your last visit. Mostly because I totally missed what bus you were arriving with, and sent you on a detour.
Welcome back :)


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Sv: American Fox visiting Norway in June
« Svar #2 på: 21. apr, 2014, 10:13 »
This time I'm gonna have a smart phone + data plan with me, so hopefully I'll be able to navigate more easily.


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Sv: American Fox visiting Norway in June
« Svar #3 på: 12. mai, 2014, 21:19 »
Hi Fox.

I'm assuming you'll be spending your visit in/near Oslo since you didn't specify. Feel free to hit me up before/during your stay. Unfortonately I can't offer accomodations, but I'm sure me and the other Oslo furs can whip up some way of consuming time while you're here.


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Sv: American Fox visiting Norway in June
« Svar #4 på: 25. mai, 2014, 19:35 »
I've actually met you before! I'll add ya to skype


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Sv: American Fox visiting Norway in June
« Svar #5 på: 27. mai, 2014, 12:57 »
Heya! If you need a couch (might even have a spare room) me, my BF and roomie might be able to accomodate you :)


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Sv: American Fox in Oslo from June 10-15
« Svar #6 på: 06. jun, 2014, 13:59 »
Woo! I'm coming soon. Anyone want to schedule some time to hang out? Already gonna do coffee with Trash =3