Skrevet av Emne: Anybody up for teaching Norwegian?  (Lest 8392 ganger)


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Anybody up for teaching Norwegian?
« på: 10. jan, 2014, 01:44 »
Hei, I registered in this forum because I am really interested in the norwegian language and because I am a furry as well.
I would love to understand/speak/write norwegian one day, but the problem is that I need somebody who can actually teach it to me. I know I also could use the forum as second option, just reading stuff and translate it, but that would not give me a feeling for the grammatic, which words I need to learn, etc., etc..
So, I hope that anybody is open for teaching somebody like me the norwegian language.

My first language is German, so there are grammatical similarities, that's for sure. xP

I thank everybody who is open to help me and I hope we will chat in norwegian one day!


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Sv: Anybody up for teaching Norwegian?
« Svar #1 på: 10. jan, 2014, 20:34 »
So, most of the words are, when I pronounce them loudly, pretty much the same as in german, for example "sitat" or "pels", in german it's just written "zitat" and "pelz", it's very similar xP

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Sv: Anybody up for teaching Norwegian?
« Svar #2 på: 11. jan, 2014, 03:48 »
So, most of the words are, when I pronounce them loudly, pretty much the same as in german, for example "sitat" or "pels", in german it's just written "zitat" and "pelz", it's very similar xP
The main Scandinavic languages are often classified as North-Germanic (while German, Swiss German and Austrian German is classified as South-Germanic), so yeah there are a lot of similarities. Once I went to Austria, I was able to continously understand half a speech without any dedicated knowledge of German in the first place. That was a quite odd and unexpected experience!

The Norwegian written language is actially a lot similar to the Danish written language for historical reasons. However, our spoken language is much more like danish text read with Icelandic pronounciation. And then you got a vast number of not only diverse dialects, but you would almost believe that some of them were different languages alltogether (especially when you get far into the fjords and valleys). Because of this national dialect diversity, most Norwegians understand both Danish and Swedish decently with little or no problems.


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Sv: Anybody up for teaching Norwegian?
« Svar #3 på: 11. jan, 2014, 18:45 »
I have noticed the similarities, I also know that you understand each other,which is just amazing, it is like german and dutch, pretty much, because they also have a lot of words and grammatical similarities as in german. I just think it is amazing how all those languages are linked in a specific way!

So, if anybody is up for chatting (in norwegian, maybe, that's how I got my english skills pretty much), then you also can add me on Skype, my name there is FonsyCat :3 I really can't wait to meet new friends, I am pretty much always available, except when I'm playing games, of course. :P


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Sv: Anybody up for teaching Norwegian?
« Svar #4 på: 11. jan, 2014, 20:31 »
Maby you should just come visit too. Stay a few months. ;3 The summer would be the best time. More time and more stuff to do then. ^^


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Sv: Anybody up for teaching Norwegian?
« Svar #5 på: 28. jan, 2014, 22:27 »
Ouh, U wilt dus het Noorse taal geleren? Heeeeeel goed~ 

I would help you out, but I'm not particularly active on Skype, or any other voice chat interface, really.
Theres that, in addition to me speaking a northern dialect (a stranger from Oslo though I was foreign) - which is a bit useless, assuming you'll spend most of your time in Norway somewhere around Oslo..
Though if you're having issues with phrasing or grammar, you're quite welcome to send me a private message in-forum.

We do have some idioms that really don't translate well at all, but that aside, I don't think you'll have a hard time learning at all.


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Sv: Anybody up for teaching Norwegian?
« Svar #6 på: 26. mar, 2014, 23:40 »
Ouh, U wilt dus het Noorse taal geleren? Heeeeeel goed~
Dutch? :P - anyways. I would very much like to understand the spoken norwegian. I have a hard time understand what is being said. And it makes me feel a bit outside. Perhaps subtitles can be issued at furmeets? *joke* XD


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Sv: Anybody up for teaching Norwegian?
« Svar #7 på: 20. des, 2014, 09:51 »
There's is this girl who wish to do her best and learn you some few stuff  8)
er kongen OG dronningen over geiter! ಠ ) 3 ಠ ~♥


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Sv: Anybody up for teaching Norwegian?
« Svar #8 på: 20. des, 2014, 10:23 »
I would'nt mind to give it a try.
Add me on skype: linatulla and we can talk about it :3