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« Svar #650 på: 15. apr, 2013, 16:30 »
Anyone, tror jeg!

Mine karakterer har blitt lagt til av Logen og Dax C:


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #651 på: 15. apr, 2013, 16:38 »
Lyst til å legge meg til i guilden? C:
Real-ID'en min er


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #652 på: 19. apr, 2013, 18:29 »
Lenge siden jeg har spilt nå :O Må komme meg inn igjen snart. Kos dere imens


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #653 på: 24. apr, 2013, 17:17 »
Okei, HVEM må jeg snakk med for å få invite til guilden? ._.


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #654 på: 25. apr, 2013, 17:36 »
Spiller Alliance på Chamber of Aspects. For det meste bare på for å raide, men kanskje jeg kan børste av min gammle hordie
og sprette over på Bronze Dragonflight ;o


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #655 på: 25. apr, 2013, 17:53 »
Okei, HVEM må jeg snakk med for å få invite til guilden? ._.

Anyone, tror jeg!

Mine karakterer har blitt lagt til av Logen og Dax C:


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #656 på: 25. apr, 2013, 19:20 »
Eg fikk høre att WoW skal bli Free to Play. Vet ikke om det stemmer, men hvis vurderer eg å begynne igjen. Har ikke spilt på 2-3 år [razz]
Grrrr... Grrr? o.o


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #657 på: 25. apr, 2013, 20:55 »
Eg fikk høre att WoW skal bli Free to Play. Vet ikke om det stemmer, men hvis vurderer eg å begynne igjen. Har ikke spilt på 2-3 år [razz]

Næh, det er ikke noe sted der det står svar på hvitt. Alt man finner om det er enten spekulasjon eller Det f2p kort spillet de driver med nå.
..Og med tanke på hvor mange som betaler for spillet i måneden akkurat nå så ser jeg ingen grunn for dem til å gjøre det f2p enda :b


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #658 på: 25. apr, 2013, 20:57 »
den dagen wow blir free 2 play er den dagen de slutter å oppdatere content, aka spille dør på seg. nå skal det sies, helt siden activison kjøpte opp blizzard, så har wow død.. just saying..
The more i learn about people, the more i like my dog.


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #659 på: 25. apr, 2013, 23:30 »
Eg fikk høre att WoW skal bli Free to Play. Vet ikke om det stemmer, men hvis vurderer eg å begynne igjen. Har ikke spilt på 2-3 år [razz]
Det er på en måte free-to-play akkurat nå, men har sine restriksjoner.

LINK <- registering for WoW starter edition
WoW Starter edition FAQ
Sitat fra: WoW SE FAQ
Players on Starter Edition game licenses have the following restrictions:

-Characters cannot exceed level 20, 10 gold, and 100 trade skill ranks.
-Characters cannot participate in Pet Battles.
-Chat communication limited to say and party.
-Cannot send whispers unless the Starter Edition character is on the recipient’s friends list, or unless the Starter Edition character is replying to a whisper.
-Cannot trade, create or join guilds, invite players into a party, create calendar invites, or disable experience gains.
-Cannot use the mailbox or Auction House.
-Voice chat and Real ID features are disabled.
-If there are login queues, the system will prioritize players who have full accounts.
Starter Edition accounts are not eligible for value added services (character transfers, faction changes, etc.)


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #660 på: 11. sep, 2013, 13:33 »
ny patch i dag!! x3


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #661 på: 25. sep, 2013, 19:18 »

Jeg har hatt lite å gjøre lately xD gg.


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #662 på: 26. sep, 2013, 13:03 »
Bare starta en character på BD for morro skyld, hvem ere jeg ska /w for en invite til Norpaws guilden? =P


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #663 på: 26. sep, 2013, 13:10 »
Bare starta en character på BD for morro skyld, hvem ere jeg ska /w for en invite til Norpaws guilden? =P

jeg kan godt legge deg til! Kangfur er karakteren jeg spiller mest på :P


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #664 på: 06. okt, 2013, 17:20 »
har hatt litt for mye tid/litt for lite å gjøre den siste måneden x3

Logen Felxon

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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #665 på: 03. nov, 2013, 11:18 »
Om der er noen som har lyst til å spille wow med meg så har jeg en ok gearet lvl 90 prest som jeg kan heale ganske makabert bra med på horde på Bronze Dragonflight.

Har for tiden lite tid men er bare å adde meg:
Clever thoughts come from clever minds, though the most clever thoughts comes from the worst situations. How come?


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #666 på: 14. nov, 2013, 17:24 »
Såå, ny expansion har blitt luftet ut i åpenheten.
Ser grei nok ut og de klarte nå å få meg litt gira ihvertfall.

Men etter at de har gått ut med no ble jeg litt mer usikker, og vurderer å vente til patch 6.1;

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
There's a lot of discussion about flying/not-flying and I'd like to try to sum things up and maybe realign the discussion a bit. Some of the other threads are near-cap, some have really gone down tangents, so I'm just picking this one to throw a reply into. Apologies to the other threads.

We intend to disallow flying while leveling from 90 to 100, and have flying become available again in the first major patch for Warlords of Draenor. No flying while leveling has been the case during Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, and Mists of Pandaria. We allowed flying during Cataclysm because as those zones were mixed-in with the 1-60 world it just would have been really jarring to dismount you as you fly into Hyjal, etc. but we would have disallowed it for Catalcysm zones as well if there was a reasonable solution there.

Flying trivializes combat. A lot of people like to say we're trying to force world PvP, or that we just really want people to look at the pretty trees we made, but those really aren't the reasons that drive this same decision we've made every expansion. Flying allows you to escape or enter combat at-will. There's a reason why flying isn't allowed in dungeons and raids, or battlegrounds and arenas, and that's because it would trivialize the core mechanic of the game in those areas - combat. For much the same reason it trivializes how content is approached in the outdoor world based on the simple fact that you can lift off and set down wherever you like.

So that's the main reason. But sure there are a lot of other problems it can cause for content design such as zones having to get a lot bigger because flying mounts can travel so quickly (and thus making ground travel in them take much longer), it reduces the impact of elevation within zones, it completely removes the ability for us to pace or present content in any structured way, and in general removes our ability to determine how and when players approach a situation, see a vista or location, or charge into/out-of a combat situation. It just greatly reduces any gameplay we want to create by allowing infinite choice in how content is approached to best suit a player's intention to (usually) avoid that content.

I totally sympathize with people's desire to do that, they want to be efficient and have it be their choice, but we have to balance our intent to create a game against creating a sandbox where anything goes. There's a happy medium there somewhere, but flying mounts in most cases just do too much to undermine too many of our core intentions with the game world, the basis of the game: combat, or guiding players through a game experience, and for those reasons we have continually chosen (when we could) to disallow flying mounts in the 'current' outdoor content. In the past that's meant only while leveling, but in our experiences with the Isle of Thunder and Timeless Isle we feel like we can extend that for a bit longer in the new content, and have it be kind of a big deal again once you're able to earn flying in the first big content patch, and in the meantime putting focus on flight paths as well as having some more interesting travel options for players to use.

Update: So a couple things I wanted to bring up in addition to what I posted earlier. The first was that we're of course refining our questing experience, you may have heard a bit about it from BlizzCon, and that expands to max level content as well. In Mists of Pandaria there was quite a bit of outdoor content at max level, but it was almost entirely in the form of dailies. From BlizzCon we shared we're looking to provide something quite a bit more story driven like the 5.1 Operation Shieldwall/Dominance Offensive with some of the exploration lessons we learned from the Timeless Isle, and that extends to the max level experience as well. We want the transition at max level not to be questing and story to a harsh "now you do dailies", but something that's more natural and feels a lot like the leveling experience just at max level for better reward. And so that goes back to all of the reasons I gave before about how flight interrupts some of the core mechanics we think present the best leveling and questing experience, and I thought it'd be good to point out that it'll also play a big role at max level due to our questing refinements.

The second thing is we really like when flying feels like a reward and something you've earned for each new expansion or area. It's such a powerful ability and we look back at BC (at least for epic riding) or Wrath and those were really big keystone achievements for us as players (mainly because they had some pretty huge gold costs on them...). Regardless of the unlock method though it was one of the bigger moments when you unlocked flying, took to the skies, and were able to see the world from an entirely different vantage because for most of us it wasn't easily attainable. Our plan has been to recapture some of that but make it a bit cooler, and while we don't have specifics just yet, it'll be something more involved than just paying gold; something that further emphasizes how powerful flight is. Unlocking it won't just be level 100 on the day 6.1 comes out with some gold, but something you'll be working toward over the course of the initial expansion release, and 6.1 will introduce the final steps to complete it. Think of something like a mini Legendary cloak quest. It's such a enormous power to be able to fly we really want it to be more of a key moment when you unlock it, and something that feels like an accomplishment more than just shelling out some gold like we've had in the past.

Anyway, I felt like those two things were worth spelling out.

De vil ikke gi oss Flying Mounts i de 2-4 første månedene den nye expansion packen er ute, altså de venter til patch 6.1 med å gi oss flying mounts tilbake (I de nye områdene så klart)
I tillegg vil de legge flying bak en liten questchain.


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #667 på: 14. nov, 2013, 17:33 »
Såå, ny expansion har blitt luftet ut i åpenheten.
Ser grei nok ut og de klarte nå å få meg litt gira ihvertfall.

Men etter at de har gått ut med no ble jeg litt mer usikker, og vurderer å vente til patch 6.1;

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
There's a lot of discussion about flying/not-flying and I'd like to try to sum things up and maybe realign the discussion a bit. Some of the other threads are near-cap, some have really gone down tangents, so I'm just picking this one to throw a reply into. Apologies to the other threads.

We intend to disallow flying while leveling from 90 to 100, and have flying become available again in the first major patch for Warlords of Draenor. No flying while leveling has been the case during Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, and Mists of Pandaria. We allowed flying during Cataclysm because as those zones were mixed-in with the 1-60 world it just would have been really jarring to dismount you as you fly into Hyjal, etc. but we would have disallowed it for Catalcysm zones as well if there was a reasonable solution there.

Flying trivializes combat. A lot of people like to say we're trying to force world PvP, or that we just really want people to look at the pretty trees we made, but those really aren't the reasons that drive this same decision we've made every expansion. Flying allows you to escape or enter combat at-will. There's a reason why flying isn't allowed in dungeons and raids, or battlegrounds and arenas, and that's because it would trivialize the core mechanic of the game in those areas - combat. For much the same reason it trivializes how content is approached in the outdoor world based on the simple fact that you can lift off and set down wherever you like.

So that's the main reason. But sure there are a lot of other problems it can cause for content design such as zones having to get a lot bigger because flying mounts can travel so quickly (and thus making ground travel in them take much longer), it reduces the impact of elevation within zones, it completely removes the ability for us to pace or present content in any structured way, and in general removes our ability to determine how and when players approach a situation, see a vista or location, or charge into/out-of a combat situation. It just greatly reduces any gameplay we want to create by allowing infinite choice in how content is approached to best suit a player's intention to (usually) avoid that content.

I totally sympathize with people's desire to do that, they want to be efficient and have it be their choice, but we have to balance our intent to create a game against creating a sandbox where anything goes. There's a happy medium there somewhere, but flying mounts in most cases just do too much to undermine too many of our core intentions with the game world, the basis of the game: combat, or guiding players through a game experience, and for those reasons we have continually chosen (when we could) to disallow flying mounts in the 'current' outdoor content. In the past that's meant only while leveling, but in our experiences with the Isle of Thunder and Timeless Isle we feel like we can extend that for a bit longer in the new content, and have it be kind of a big deal again once you're able to earn flying in the first big content patch, and in the meantime putting focus on flight paths as well as having some more interesting travel options for players to use.

Update: So a couple things I wanted to bring up in addition to what I posted earlier. The first was that we're of course refining our questing experience, you may have heard a bit about it from BlizzCon, and that expands to max level content as well. In Mists of Pandaria there was quite a bit of outdoor content at max level, but it was almost entirely in the form of dailies. From BlizzCon we shared we're looking to provide something quite a bit more story driven like the 5.1 Operation Shieldwall/Dominance Offensive with some of the exploration lessons we learned from the Timeless Isle, and that extends to the max level experience as well. We want the transition at max level not to be questing and story to a harsh "now you do dailies", but something that's more natural and feels a lot like the leveling experience just at max level for better reward. And so that goes back to all of the reasons I gave before about how flight interrupts some of the core mechanics we think present the best leveling and questing experience, and I thought it'd be good to point out that it'll also play a big role at max level due to our questing refinements.

The second thing is we really like when flying feels like a reward and something you've earned for each new expansion or area. It's such a powerful ability and we look back at BC (at least for epic riding) or Wrath and those were really big keystone achievements for us as players (mainly because they had some pretty huge gold costs on them...). Regardless of the unlock method though it was one of the bigger moments when you unlocked flying, took to the skies, and were able to see the world from an entirely different vantage because for most of us it wasn't easily attainable. Our plan has been to recapture some of that but make it a bit cooler, and while we don't have specifics just yet, it'll be something more involved than just paying gold; something that further emphasizes how powerful flight is. Unlocking it won't just be level 100 on the day 6.1 comes out with some gold, but something you'll be working toward over the course of the initial expansion release, and 6.1 will introduce the final steps to complete it. Think of something like a mini Legendary cloak quest. It's such a enormous power to be able to fly we really want it to be more of a key moment when you unlock it, and something that feels like an accomplishment more than just shelling out some gold like we've had in the past.

Anyway, I felt like those two things were worth spelling out.

De vil ikke gi oss Flying Mounts i de 2-4 første månedene den nye expansion packen er ute, altså de venter til patch 6.1 med å gi oss flying mounts tilbake (I de nye områdene så klart)
I tillegg vil de legge flying bak en liten questchain.

Syns det er en grei ide jeg =P


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #668 på: 16. nov, 2013, 10:42 »
Fornyet playtimen min. Kjøpte bare en måned, for å sjekke om jeg fremdeles var lei. And I kinda was. Ikek når jeg spiller sammen med andre, da.


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #669 på: 04. feb, 2014, 16:24 »
Synes det er veldig like aktivitet i den guilden, ja ._.


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #670 på: 25. feb, 2014, 12:25 »
På under 3 dager playtime har jeg levlet en druid fra 1 til 90. :'D

Spiller alliance på Steamwheedle Cartel med Skarpen og et par andre venner om noen har lyst til å joine oss.


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« Svar #671 på: 27. feb, 2014, 05:43 »
so pretty <3


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« Svar #672 på: 15. mar, 2014, 22:16 »
Hadde noen hatt løst til å prøve å få til et Firelands run med bare Norpaws folk? =P
Eller kanskje achievement runs eller lignende?
Hvis vi har nok folk som fortsatt spiller da.


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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #673 på: 22. mar, 2014, 15:59 »
Om noen har lyst til å adde meg så er det bare å gjøre det, spiller stort sett hver dag. :)



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Sv: WoW [World Of Warcraft]
« Svar #674 på: 22. mar, 2014, 17:29 »
om dere ser meg online og jeg ikke svarer, så er det fordi jeg boter og jeg selv ikke er tilstede hele tiden :)
The more i learn about people, the more i like my dog.