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Ditt fornavn fra Urban Dictionary
« på: 10. sep, 2012, 01:39 »
Som tittelen sier, er dette en tråd for Urban Dictionary versjonen av ditt navn.
Du trenger ikke poste ditt eget navn om du ikke vil, så bare ta det bort om du fortsatt har lyst til å poste.
Det er bare fornavnet som teller.
Det kan være alt fra om man er snill eller ikke, liker ditt og datt, et cetera. Jeg fikk "pulling an ---------"


 Pulling an "----------" would imply hurting yourself in a way not correlating to the situation you're in.

 Last night I pulled an ---------. I was playing football, then I hit my head on a clifface!

 I was walking down the stairs, then I fell out the window.

 I hurt myself while fighting some guy. I ran into a wall.

Lol, glemte å fjerne navnet mitt helt :P
« Siste redigering: 10. sep, 2012, 02:17 av kazookie »

Pilosus Crinitius

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« Svar #1 på: 10. sep, 2012, 01:47 »
An arctic fox of perfect proportions and lexicographical genius

----- er en geni.

Jommen eg e jo Gaupe for svingende! >:V
« Siste redigering: 10. sep, 2012, 01:55 av Pilosus »


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« Svar #2 på: 10. sep, 2012, 02:18 »
A totally awesome and lovable boy. Who is always taller than everyone else. He's very kind and caring and he has many best friends. He may be quiet but he has a killer personality. He's a tough, really cool and handsome little boy.

What the fuck am I reading? o.O


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« Svar #3 på: 10. sep, 2012, 04:28 »
A Sexy Beast. One with a huge cock, and gigantic balls. Known for being sweet and gentle when it comes to women. The females dig Simen. Often used to describe a good friend. Describes a friend that wouldn't leave other friends if they had a flat tire. Hung Like a Dragon Used to describe someone that needs a smart, intellectual, and beautiful women in their life.
Holy Shit, that is one Simen cock.

Damn, why are you so damn Simen, id smack.

Why don't I take you back to my place and I can give you the Simen.


What the hell is this, I don't even know!


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« Svar #4 på: 10. sep, 2012, 07:37 »
a. big smart ass!
b. the best friend that anyone could ever ask for
she over worries about the ones that she loves and she cares about everyone close to her
c. her name is quite uncomman, which means she is a bad ass.
d. she can be lazy at times, but will always be there for her friends no matter what, especially her best friend

...... Jeg liker å være en bad ass lol XD


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« Svar #5 på: 13. sep, 2012, 09:37 »
An amazing girl who's extremely artistic and musical-- loves her fandoms to death and isn't afraid to be herself. Everyone wants to be her friend deep down.
Her love life will include a cute boy names Evan-- they are perfect for each other.
"There went Siri and Evan! They are perfect! I wish i could be with them."

Owh, wow. x3
~A single hug, can change a whole life.~ Fusty Tryshz.


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« Svar #6 på: 13. sep, 2012, 09:42 »
another word for a joint
wanna smoke a Johan?
feel like doing a Johan?
Johan is nice

... Tokes betyr jo egentlig å røyke hasj (som jeg ikke visste om når jeg designet fursonaen min) men.. Johan betyr OGSÅ å røyke hasj? WHAT TEH FAAACK o__O


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« Svar #7 på: 27. sep, 2012, 19:57 »
fant ikke Tora-chan men... Tora... =)
1. Tora

Tora, japanese word wich means tiger.
Also taigaa, but that is engrish. So tora is oreiginal word.
Also means fang in finnish language.

2. Tora

Tora is the rhythm guitarist of alice nine, also known as alice nine. Tora is only his stage name; his real name is (rumored) to be Amano Shinji. He is currently twenty-five years old and still going strong with alice nine.
He was also in the band Givuss with Shou, the current vocalist of alice nine.

Tora's performance was stunning!

3. Tora

hot,sexy,cute,sexy voice,smart,jerk,funniest person alive, born in april 16, actor and one of the Co-finders of YELLOW RICE STUDIOS, awesome basketball player.

Tora I'm in love with you,
Stop being a jerk.

det e alle resultatene... =)


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« Svar #8 på: 04. okt, 2012, 21:56 »
A person with slight attention loss who enjoys touching people he doesnt know.
Person 1: whoa wtf was that??

Person 2: Oh that was just a magnus, he touched me too.

Person 1: whys he touchin people.. its kinda weird and annoying..

Person 2: yeah i know. dude he just took your nachos.

A name that you call someone if you think they are fat and ugly and are the most stupid person you know. mostly used if the person your talking about is there so he dont know your talking about him. or just a way to insult him. can also mean a guy that never goes to school.
god man dont be such a magnus.

i dont wanna skip school today. i dont wanna be a Magnus


Foretrekker helle dennne jeg :p

Fucking most awesome name in the world. If you are so lucky to have this name, you should be a celebrity becouse of it. all Magnus's are supreme beings and they kick all other's asses
fuck of punk, im Magnus;)

Scratchy FoxyPaw

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« Svar #9 på: 11. okt, 2012, 08:39 »
1. Erlend is a person with virility of no equivalence. Usually, an Erlend person is a typical alpha male, has a high level of fitness and intellect, and he studies/has studied medicine.
You can usually find an Erlend walking the mountains of Norway shirtless with five girls (who are also shirtless).
Did you see that guy kicking Chuck Norris´s ass by only flexing his pectorals? Yes, he had a close-Erlend performance

-Fuck yeah.. selv om en blanding av den og denne "   Erlend is an engine loving person, especially large Evinrude engines on Zodiac ribs like PRO 15 or larger.
You will often find an Erlend person just walking the shores of Norway loking for ribs with multiple outboard engines.
OMG it's a PRO 15 with two E-Tec 300-HP, my mind is in a state of Erlend." Hadde vært best. Jeg vil ikke studere medisin.... D:
"In the norwegian language, a word meaning gay, homosexual etc. Recognized by a girlish scream when scared and/or surprised
Look at that erlend over there!"
-Whatthafack o.o
Er en revepus med sterke behov for oppmerksomhet. Gir du meg ikke det, tvinger jeg det ut =w=  Bor for tiden alene.
-Har en svak form for dyslexi, beklager skrivefeil.


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« Svar #10 på: 17. okt, 2012, 12:04 »
Sindre is usually the name of a really laidback and mysterious individual who doesn't waste his time and mind pondering urbandictionary's lacking definition of himself.

He has a tendency to always be the most awesome person around - much like Barney Stinson - and radiates enormous self-esteem (penis).

Would anyone build up enough courage to actually approach this perplexing individual, one would find that he's really a pretty cool guy - eh listens to alot of music and doesn't afraid of anything.
Person 1: Have you met Sindre yet? He's so fucking awesome.
Person 2: Yeah, of course. He's actually a pretty cool guy, and alot more down-to-earth than I'd thought he'd be.
Person 1: I wish I was like him.

mhh...sounds about right  ::)


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« Svar #11 på: 29. okt, 2012, 19:37 »
Omg...æ lo grævla godt XD

Crazy norwegian.

Key features of an anniken: throwing phones from buildings, walking off on her own little tangents, eating mc donalds fries with EXTRA EXTRA salt, buying cookie dough and eating the whole packet so there is none left to bake, daydreams of a life with justin timberlake, obsessive nature with the colour pink, offensive language - (may include "fitte" or "faen"), lack of manners - burping and farting to name a few, craves chocolate, may respond to "annie" or "lord vader", has the uncanny ability to wield a light saber and therefore may dispose of her enemies with a flick of her sword, can control powers of the dark side and can be heard from some distance by breathing heavily inside her mask and last but not least is loved by many people :)

My girlfriend is a mother flippin' anniken.


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« Svar #12 på: 27. nov, 2012, 15:22 »
ONE CRAZY, WILD, SEXY GIRL who likes zebra unicorns and water buffalo's.

Tags: rené sexy wild crazy amazing mother fucker

...? xD Hvorfor er jeg plutselig en jente...? Damnit!

Klikketiklikk :D


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« Svar #13 på: 30. jan, 2013, 21:26 »
"Typically a very sexy, sweet guy. Usually British.
If you were to look up the sexiest man alive, there would be a photo of Barry."

I approvve of this message xD

Rayne is a beautiful girl with a smile to die for. She'll make you laugh and you'll make her laugh.

She's usually quite light hearted and fun to be around, but she does have a temper.

When she's in a bad mood she can - and will - rip you apart.

Rayne's eyes are the most amazing eyes you'll have ever seen, she's stunning.

She'll make you fall in love with her. Her natural charm will take care of anyone that dislikes her. She's easy to please and pleases as well.
Guy 1: Man, I wish I knew who that girl was.

Guy 2: That's Rayne. She's amazing.

Guy 1: She got a man?
Guy 2: You're looking at him.

Guy 1: Lucky man.

Så... sona'en min fikk ett jentenav; iz cool :D

...? xD Hvorfor er jeg plutselig en jente...? Damnit!

I know your pain xD
« Siste redigering: 30. jan, 2013, 21:38 av Rayne »


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« Svar #14 på: 30. jan, 2013, 22:47 »
Real name

Stian is the fines Norwegian name, only given to extraordinary people. Those who have the name have a tedency to be very good in all they do.
Stian is the best. A product of the Norwegian eugenics program of the 1930's. Beautiful natural straight blond hair but hopelessly inbred and can't spell.
Man, did you see those Norwegians? What a bunch of Stians.

Mez cantz spell?

Fursona name

Rezso is not defined yet.


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« Svar #15 på: 30. jan, 2013, 22:51 »
Real name

Stian is the fines Norwegian name, only given to extraordinary people. Those who have the name have a tedency to be very good in all they do.
Stian is the best. A product of the Norwegian eugenics program of the 1930's. Beautiful natural straight blond hair but hopelessly inbred and can't spell.
Man, did you see those Norwegians? What a bunch of Stians.

Mez cantz spell?

Fursona name

Rezso is not defined yet.

D'aww; well your MY inbred wuff :D  [laugh]


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« Svar #16 på: 10. feb, 2013, 15:32 »
"The flyest guy in a crew, usually the strongest and fittest, and knows how to walk the walk and talk the talk. A downright gangsta"

hahahaha "downright gangsta"  ;D


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« Svar #17 på: 20. feb, 2013, 18:07 »
Haha! Passer til meg og greier! (Unntatt good looking.  :( )

An amazing guy, who has the most random comments at times, and is really good looking. he is just a generally awesome person <3
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« Svar #18 på: 25. mar, 2013, 19:19 »
 is the greatest lover you will ever have. She will ruin all other women for you. Be careful, cause when you have Oda you will never go back. But this will only happen with norwegian Oda´s. So if you want to take a leap of faith, go to Norway, find a Oda (they are easy to spot, since they are the most beautiful women alive), and that will be the end of life as you know it.

'nuff said~
Laget av Viccy :)


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« Svar #19 på: 25. mar, 2013, 19:22 »
Dangerous islamic weapon.
Laget av Viccy :)


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« Svar #20 på: 25. mar, 2013, 19:24 »

A name given to the most ridiculously amazing, beautiful, sweet, gorgeous, incredible, cute, all around perfect girl in the whole Universe. She is just stunning, she can light up the darkest rooms with her smile, and bring up anyones day with her voice, there is nothing wrong with her at all, she just never ceases to amaze anyone, her beauty is hypnotic and her eyes are mesmerizing, she herself is so magnetic, on a scale of 1 to 10 she is an Eleventy Fortyfour,she may seem like a good girl but have a night with her and you'll discover her total bad girl side, she is into pink fuzzy handcuffs and leather,but you still cant help but remain in love with her,even though she is incredibly kinky.


Laget av FreesTyler C:


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« Svar #21 på: 09. apr, 2013, 00:59 »

1 a swedish (I'm Norwegian goddammit ><) name for male.
2 a boy who is nothing but nice and lovely.not all girls like joakim,cuz sometimes he seems to spend more time with computer instead of girls.but the real joakim is caring,humble,and incredibly smart.sweet boy in all! didn't say anything about Broadway T_T

and the last result which is my favourite:
a police man that dont like donuts, so he must be gay

Takk til Freestyler for avatar og signatur <3


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« Svar #22 på: 12. apr, 2013, 00:36 »
Used for telling a person how extremely horny he is at people called Johanne, from small places.

Adjektiv discribing a persons worst habits

Actually, that's pretty damned exact, I'd say.
What did I just read.


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« Svar #23 på: 13. apr, 2013, 00:33 »
vell fikk 3 stk;

1;  Janne
A german name for a irresistibly mysterious girl whom you see around often, yet know nothing about. Usually a real cool girls name. It`s easy to talk to her for just forget about time.

People find her very attractive. She has got a great and special style and sense of humor. She's amazing in many ways and probably knows a load of people.

She enjoyes (night)life, looooves to travel and meet new people. Normaly she is awake at night. You could watch her dancing on a table or a counter then ;)

2; Janne
Quite common Finnish name of a man. They are all unique, but they all have a passion towards something and they enjoy life!

3;  Janne
The best woman alive.

My sometimes boyfriend when conveniant.

She is an amazing dancer with all the best moves on the dance floor.

She is brilliant as she is in Math Higher Level.

She is beautiful, and she has an amazing way of making people smile!

Although she is extremely tall, she is very fit and great at basketball!!!!

She likes pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.
What is a Janne?

Just a girl I know, but she´s hot!


lawl.. eg kan ikke danse og hater "fest" x3

Sona navn; Nova

Quite possibly the most wonderful person to ever hold this name. Also a raging bitch.
Nova told me where to park my car, I'm now in therapy because of it.

Noun (astrophysics terminology): the catastrophic self-destruction of a "main sequence" stellar body via a runaway nuclear fusion reaction caused by the accretion of hydrogen atoms over time, surpassing the star's ability to burn off the accreted hydrogen prior to the initiation of the reaction.
The Crab Nebula was originally thought to be the product of a nova explosion, but is now known to be the result of the supernova of star Taurus-A.


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« Svar #24 på: 06. aug, 2013, 20:14 »

A rad girl. A very particular kind of young woman who is like the sun: hot, bright and has a lot of things going on inside her mind that scientists are still finding out about.

I just said meow to Paxy. "

hahah pretty accurate xD