With Steams new trading section, we're now able to trade items and games. And with this new holiday season and it's many gifts (and coals), we may all have gotten items and games we don't want and want to either give them away or trade them for something else.
So i figured we might as well make a little trading topic here so we can pawn things off on someone else who might want what we don't need (or want).
I f,ex, have gotten a coupon for "-33% off on any (one) Valve games" and coupon that gives me a "Hitman collection" (Silent assassin, blood money and codename 47". And as it would seem, i already own all Valve games, and i don't care about hitman games at all. But maybe one of you /do/? So then you can have it/them from me for free. I don't need anything back, but it would be nice to see what others have to spare so maybe i can get a fun game for christmas too!
So list your unwanted (steam) christmas gifts here so others may enjoy what you don't want.
Like i said, i have so far these items to give away.
- 1 coupons for "-33% off of any (one) Valve game).
- 1 coupons for "-50% off of any (one) Valve game).
- A coupon for "Hitman collection".
- A coupon for "Hitman - Blood Money".
- A coupon for "The Orange Box"
- A coupon for -10% off an Activision game.
- A coupon for -50% off the Oddworld Box (which is on sale right now for 75% off btw:p)
Any takers? They're free for grabs.