I mitt forsvar,
1. I'm a Lion, Lord of all the Beats that walk the Earth, so get with the program... :p
2. "See a need, fill a need"
3. Pumzie, dont worry, I'll be gentle...
4. Jeg og Skarpen holder ting underholdende
5. Tellos vinner jeg over i en fistfight uten å blunke, så trekk kølapp :p
6. (insert random argument)
7. Se point 6
8. Skarpen, your as appealing as a rabbit stuck to the sealing...
9. ...and as random as a weasel and a duck on a tandem.
10. My pridelands, my rules :p (Østlandet that is)
11. Hadde aldrig falt meg inn å krangle med et kvinnfolk. (3 eldre søstere, jeg har lært det the hard way...)
12. For giggels and shit... :p