Oohh... Interesting topic for once^^, I dunno how to really start getting my opinions out, so i thought i'd start by saying some things about the post that Logen Felxon made. Please note that this isn't ment as an attack or something, i'm just using his post as a base to say some things that i have on my mind:)
nei hva jeg synest er at menneskene skulle ha gjordt er å:
1: Rydde opp alt av radioaktivt stoff på jorden... alt som i alle bomber som er lagd av radioaktive stoffer skulle ha blitt ryddet opp...
2: Rydde opp etter det store fallet i genpolen... gjordt slik at alle arter som før var og som har blitt utryddet på grunn av menneskene hadde levd igjenn viia kloning eller noe slikt!
3: Virkelig lagd en måte alle kunne forstå hverandre på... som i en måte som dyr kan kommunisere med mennesker og omvendt...
4: Ryddet opp all søppel... slik at de dyrene som er igjenn på jorden ikke må slite med det...
5: lage uendelig stor base som Menneskene kunne ha levd i slik at det ikke blir noen mennesker igjenn på jorden
6: leve kun for fremskritt innen teknologi og ikke makt og slikt som de gjør nå!
heh, det ble litt offtopic men jeg tror det holder
1 and 4. The problem with humanity is that most of us aren't cooperative people. It's not that we can't cooperate with others, it's that we don't /want/ to. People belive that they are smarter than everyone else, and therefor, they don't /want/ the other people to have power because other people are stupid and don't see that they are wrong. Humans have this instinct that tells them "survival of the fittest". If you don't have power, you will not survive. This is why we will always have war, this is why we will always have people fighting for power, this is why we have nuclear weapons...
I agree, we /should/ clean up after ourselves, but where can we put it so that it won't be dangerous? We can't... There is no place on our planet to store it so that it won't be dangerous. No matter where we put it, it will be like a nuclear plant and it will need constant supervision. And it's not like the material will ever /stop/ being a danger. We will have to look over it /forever/.
The only other option we have, is to send it out in space, to another planet. That is most likely what we will eventually do. The same with garbage. There is so much of it, but no place to store it so that it won't be in the way. We can't burn it, that will ruin the atmosphere and possibly increase global warming by a whole lot. People have this opinion that what they can't see, isn't a problem. They dump the trash in the ocean and think that they have taken care of it. But slowly but surely, over the course of decades, an island of garbage is created in the middle of the passific. Someone has to take care of it, but nobody want to because it will be expencive and they /still/ have nowhere to store it. So again, this will continue to be the case until we can ship it off into space and put it on another planet. But again, this is only a temporary solution.
Humanity is an interesting race. We are exactly like cockroaches, we don't die. We can heal ourselves, increase in numbers by several million people a year. Humanity is not gonna decrease in number by some pandemic chaos. We aren't ment to end like that as a race. We are /ment/ to expand across the universe and live on other planets. And we will have to get there fast... In less than a hundred years, unless we have severely injured ourself by nuking the world, we will be so many people that it will prolly no longer be fun to live. China is going to disband the "one child per family" rule, which will insanely increase the number of people there, which only means that they will have to start leaving the country. I do not think immigration is a problem, we're all humans and we all want a better life. Yay for those who get that.
I have a /lot/ more to say about this, but better cut it short:p
2. I belive that whatever humans can do, we shouldn't be afraid to do. If we /can/ clone an instinct animal, we /should/. But we have to be prepared for the consequenses. I do not support cloning of lifeforms, because it's wrong to put another lifeform below yourself. We are creating life that suffers in pain and are completely in the mercy of a part of humanity that doesn't care about other lifeforms regardless of how much pain they are in. Just look at the sheep they cloned in England. How many times do you think they failed before they got it right? The scientists have even admitted that they are experimenting with humans, supposedly killing them before they start to "feel"(embryos). The problem with this subject, is that humans don't know when to stop. "we cloned an embryo, lets see what happens if we let it grow just a little bit more". We are /not/ ready to clone humans. While the embryo may look perfect, it's /not/ developed completely yet. It can change, and it will. But we have to go through all these things if we are to be able to clone /anything/. Are we willing to do that? How many living creatures is worth sacrificing to bring back animals from the past? How many defective humans do we have to make in order to perfect the process? Can we live knowing how much pain we bring to others? If we can and are willing to let the few benefit the many, then lets do it. Think of the possibilities we will gain by sacrificing a set amount of life. Or is it really just a few? What about the part that says that we have to see what's next? Will we stop when we know how to clone life? Why not keep experimenting and create /new/ life? It doesn't really matter that we create flawed life, cos we can just kill it off and barely anyone in the world will see those creations anyway. "What they don't know won't hurt them", right? "We don't even need to tell them anything". Like the US millitary do things, following the "need to know" principle. "Humanity don't /need/ to know, so we don't rell them anything". If someone here belive that we, humans, are not already neck deep in trying to clone and create other humans, i belive you're wrong. I just can't prove it. But we know it can be done, as in, we know we can try, so ofcourse someone out there are trying to already.
I don't think you have to worry about us not being able to bring back extinct life. Because there are people out there who don't care about the flawed life they create. They kill them off and tries again until they get it right. We /will/ be able to clone life one day, we will be able to bring back animals from the past. Because humanity wants it to happen, and what we want, we will be able to do one day.
3. I'm guessing you mean a language here, a universal language. We /can/, but we don't /want/ to. In order to learn a language, you have to actually /do/ something. But most people don't want to make an effort to get anything. Most people want things to just happen on it's own. Like the whole nuclear weapon thing, and garbage thing before. We /can/ clean up the world, even in Norway, we can all clean up the country in less than a week. Just grab a garbage bag and get out into the streets and start cleaning. We /can/ do it, but are we? No, we're not, because we're to lazy and we want someone else to do it, preferably the state, as they are there to do what's best for us. But they don't want to either, because they'd have to actually /do/ something to make it happen. They are like us, if they don't /have/ to, they won't do anything...
It's not hard to learn another language. English is easy to learn. But most people don't /want/ to learn it. That will always be the case, even if we invented an universal language. And btw, why invent one when we have like 600 languages already? We don't really need another language, we just have to get people to learn one that is already there... But then again, there is the problem of actually making an effort to learn it...
5. This is /never/ gonna happen. Humanity can't live together like that. I belive the earth is evidence enough of that it won't ever work. We don't get along down here, so why would anything be different there? We will, however, leave eath one day, but not everyone will. In fact, i don't think that many people want to leave is the chance is suddenly there. People don't like the unknown, people don't like moving away from the safe home they live in. That's just how we are. But we will leave one day, many of us at least. Maybe not in our lifetime, but one day. It will never be like on a big ship, but it will be more like some people go to that part of space, and some people go to that part of space, etc. When we can leave earth, we will go /everywhere/, some will even die trying to get to where they want to go. not because they had an accident while traveling, but because they never found a place to settle down. It's too far to most places. And people are adventurers, we /want/ to go where no man have gone before. My self, i would really, /really/ want to go out and explore space. I don't even mind living the rest of my life on a spaceship as long as i get to explore the unknown. There are many other people like me too. I would be one of those people who never found a place to settle down, simply because no place would be good enough for me:s
6. Not much to say about this topic. I would want that too. Really, if i could make it be that way, i'd do it in a sec. But again, what about those who disagree? What about those who want us to take another direction while not doing the whole power thing? Why not be one with nature instead? /Those/ kind of people... (I'm not one of them). I belive in technology. The more we advance in that field, the stronger we will become as a race, but then again, why do we want to become stronger? Don't we want to live in peace with nature and the universe around us instead? Why grow stronger as a nation when we don't need it? What's the point of cloning extinct animals? What's the point of prolonging our own life? Why do we need to expand in the field of technology? Why do we /have/ to do everything?
Personally, i /want/ us to expand. I want us to become so advanced that we can do everything we want to do. I want us to be able to create super humans, i want us to know how to live forever, how to fly, how to clone life, even how to turn stone into gold. I want us to learn how to talk telepathicly, how to read minds, how to stop time, how to time travel, how to do /everything/. Why? Because it sounds interesting and i belive that we will one day be able to do all that:p The only problem with it all are the consequences...