Skrevet av Emne: Tell us of your experiences abroad - funny/crazy/odd things.  (Lest 24763 ganger)


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Well since I command english as good as Norwegian, I decided to start this thread, so our Norwegian-impaired furry friends also have something to talk about.
Actually, one of the most important themes in the World is that we can all, as individuals, make a choice, and that making the right choice is very important. No matter if our political ideologies are communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism or other. And that choice does not only affect us.


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I don't have anything to add to this thread, but i think this should be one that everyone, even Norwegians, should tell about their experiences in... I mean, that way, the Norwegian-Impared people can know what /we/ experience as well^^,


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Sounds like an idea, now... what experiences do you seek to fill in here, maybe if you start, roo_fan all us others have something to work around :P


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Hmmm, I've experienced to many crazy things to even count and I would not know where to start.
Perhaps I could list a few things:
*I've preformed a school play naked.
*I wore nothing but a collar and pants with attached tail to a party
*I've armwrestled with a 400 pound guy and won
*I've armwrestled with a 100 pound girl and lost
*I managed to trap myself 200 feet underneath the ground in a pitch black cave
*My own mother managed to break my knee
*I've watched Spongebob Squarepants for 10 hours straigth (In english of course ^_^)
*I've won about 100 gay chicken competitions

just to say a few things.


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well, I have done a few funny/crazy/odd stuff aswell. :P
But, I'm a little shy irl, so i didn't do naked stuff.. when i knew there was people there. ^^

* I've tasted lots of different stuff. My qurious mind likes to know how stuff is. :P
* I've had near death experiences lots of times, seen my whole life before my eyes in a flash of a second. And, I've always (somehow) managed to get away without a mark on myself.
* I made my own group with people, wich i controlled. :P They followed me, i was their leader, and we did some summoning rituals and stuff. We didn't worship the devil or anything, but we did do lots of other freaky stuff. Even had out own spellbook. :3 Wich i still have somewhere.
We burned some of the sides in it though. Lets just say we did our research, and found out some stuff people shouldn't know too much about.
It was fun tho. :P
* When i was really young, Like kindergarten age, i used to "play" with the male dolls alone. Some of them had interesting equipment. :P
(I'm sure i was the naughties kid in kindergarten) And, those who worked there sometimes found me in.. situations. *blush*
* I was better to katch mice both inside and outside my house, than our cat(s).
And, sometimes i studied the mice. Didn't want to kill them, just play with them.
* I loved to have secret hiding places. I had places EVERYWHERE in this town. :P
* I broke in to my school at night once, when i was 12 or 13yr. And, i got caught.
* I have broken into a safe. I mean, a real safe with money in, but i felt bad about it, and stole only 20,- Had to steal something, after all that work.
* At some period, i used to steal underwear from others, when i could get my hands on it. Don't do that anymore. :P

Well, i guess that should be enough info about the weird stuff i have done in my life. :P
Stuff happens, and i used to live in the moment.


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Well ok, I'll say that:
*I stole a sidearm once from a drunk policeman
*I played as an street sweeper in a school play and mananged to set the whole scene on fire (actually on fire!)
*Almost burned my house down
*Was arrested by a russian SWAT-Team, and spent 5 days in russian jail
*Survived a nasty car accident, where the car dove off a bridge (5 m or so) into a canal.
*I am banned from the schools computer network, for "hacking"
*And countless other fun thing, that I don't remember now, but I'll come back to it, when I remember more.

Actually, one of the most important themes in the World is that we can all, as individuals, make a choice, and that making the right choice is very important. No matter if our political ideologies are communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism or other. And that choice does not only affect us.

Gray Fang

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Not sure what too write in here so I cna type in a few of the small things liek others hehe.

*I have mastubated 8 billion times and got no plans to stop mastrubating in the future. [laugh] (simpsons quote, hehe)
*I Payed my online games with stolen credit card.
*I have Hit my paw in the wall missing someone face and fracturing my wrist.
*I Fired High powered bullets from a cheap rifle.. exploded...
*I did Take down large trees with Explosives :P
*I have modified a wheelchar to orun at 90 km/h and drive it to othe city haha
*I have been Cought breaking into a house and trashign the place, was yung ^^
*I have Peed on some guys boat I didn't like :P

Ah well best too stop couse now rest I can remember is more hmm nasty :P


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Since i'm bored..

* I've crushed a joint in my left little finger/pinky (whatever). The result was 6 weeks with a wire through it, and the loss of feeling in part of the skin surrounding the joint.
* I've gone head to head with 106 tonns of moving metal. Train crash. Both trains were doing 80km/h. And even though I levelled 8 rows of seats by being thrown through them I was virtually unharmed. The two other survivors from my train both ended up in hospital. One with both legs broken and the other with a fractured neck.
* I've bowled using a .38 Revolver instead of a bowling ball.
* I've walked within 5 meters of a wild Cassovary in the rainforest. (The worlds most dangerous bird (Guinness book of records, 2004).)
* I've dived among sharks at night
* I've fallen and gotten my lower front teeth pushed through my lower lip
* I've shown up at work with my hair colored in a leopard pattern... twice, and been told "If you were my kid, I would have kicked you the entire way home"

And only two of those were actually stories from abroad like the topic asked for.. But I doubt that all of the other stories in this thread is from abroad, so NYAH! :P
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Well, lemme see what kind shit I've been in to...

*Burnt down my house TWICE.
*Near Deatg Experience: Me slipping down a mountain and classically managed to get a root, and looked down to see my deceased grandmother stand underneath me, looking up at me. I never saw her when I was alive, as she died 15 years before I was born, but I described her perfectly.
*Been exploring dangerous cave and was almost squashed in a minor cave-in.
* Many truth or dare I've ended up naked, most dumbest was when I was drunk and on other stuff, I ended up running around my house naked and the neighbour-girl (Which is DANG HAWT) came out and was like "KIXT GET YOUR FUCKING PANTS ON AND COME IN TO MY ROOM NOW!"
* Started to get 4 Christians to prey for me, in middle in my work, in a fast-food-resturant/Video-store.
*Lit a camping wagon on fire
*Lit Santa-clause on fire
*Created a bomb out of axe and fire, ended up with a kid getting his listening-senses put down, he got problems hearing :x
*Mated on a dive-board
*In a life-or-death fight with my sister.


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You little pyromant :P Well actually no, I like the flames *stares hypnotized into the fire* It brings out the beast in me.
Actually, one of the most important themes in the World is that we can all, as individuals, make a choice, and that making the right choice is very important. No matter if our political ideologies are communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism or other. And that choice does not only affect us.


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Sv: Tell us of your experiences abroad - funny/crazy/odd things.
« Svar #10 på: 29. jan, 2008, 20:22 »
Hey, I -love- flames as well, and yeah, I am a pyromaniac and love to burn stuff, but I manage to contain myself these days so I wont burn down the house or shit.

But I do burn paper each time I get my paws on it...Huurrr...
My dad is still pissed since each time I am downstairs and takes a smoke with him, I am burning something.

Logen Felxon

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Sv: Tell us of your experiences abroad - funny/crazy/odd things.
« Svar #11 på: 24. feb, 2008, 06:37 »
I have also done ALOT of crazy things -.- but ill keep it to the smaller things i have done:

Near death experiences:

*First: i had some sort of illness when i was small, i puked and didn't get any nutrition in about 4 days before my mom took me to a hospital and i got better...

*Second: i suddenly awoke when the lamp i had on my bench had fallen over and started to put my carpet on fire... i woke fast because the fire had contact with my hand and i got a really bad burn

*Third: i was in a boat (like a really small one) alone and i was fishing when it suddenly started to be a storm, it was really scary and i nearly drowned after the boat toppled over and was upside down ... though i managed to get onboard before my breath was completely gone... the adrenaline saved me that time <3

*Fourth: i was biking really fast... and i was in a rush... i didnt really look for where to bike and suddenly there was a stone that made my bike send me off it and into the river... i was 3 cm from getting my backhead from getting crushed... though i managed to get away from that pinch with only some scratches and a broken arm, though it was funny when i think about it now... because i went to school after the accident with my arm in the pocket of my hoodie... and umh, when i first thought about it i didn't really think that it could be broken i thought that it was just a flesh wound :P... kinda sad actually ;P

Sadest moment:

*When i told my grandma that i wanted to become a murdera when i got older! really sad for me... but surely funny for some:P

Stupid and crazy stuff i did when i was younger:
*I stole like alot of DvD's with a friend of mine from some store...
*I stole ALOT of candy from random stores
*I set on fire a friends house... really Really sad for him -.-
*I tossed Rocks on cars often
*I could count to 20 in English before i could count to 20 in Norwegian
*I peed into the face of some total stranger
*I jumped up and down in a hour straight after eating alot of candy :P
*I lidt fire on a friends trampoline with my ass---lidt my fart on fire while we was sitting on his trampoline... wich had the day before been compleatly drained in gasoline... :P
*I made my teacher cry... Nothing to add on that .... dunno what i should say now, like 8 years after...
*I beated up the person whom had so handsomly made me be his 'underling' in some thief gang... and that i am really REALLY happy for doing... he wasnt as keen to be my boss after... though after some time he got me back... with like 7 other kids... really really nasty bunch :P
*I peed over to Sweeden from Norway
*I accidentallythrowed a snowball into the face of a person whom after the snowball had eight teeth missing and bledt alot...
*I Have Tagged like under a bridge and i was the first whom did so in my town! :3
*I set on fire a barn... and it was intentionally though i didn't know what the kid that lived on that farm was my best friend ^-^

So, how should i tell you this, This was the smallest things i have done that either was crazy, funny or odd... as some might have guessed im from Norway and umh, not alot of theese thing is done abroad
Clever thoughts come from clever minds, though the most clever thoughts comes from the worst situations. How come?


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Sv: Tell us of your experiences abroad - funny/crazy/odd things.
« Svar #12 på: 27. feb, 2008, 11:26 »
Thats a lot of experiences, looks like you had a life full of things, happenning. I remembered some more stuff that I did, when I was young: stripped in front of my class (you should have seen the looks on their faces) Drove a car off a bridge with my friends. Rode a train, without a ticket (actually I got on between the wagons) Hmmm plenty more too I think.
Actually, one of the most important themes in the World is that we can all, as individuals, make a choice, and that making the right choice is very important. No matter if our political ideologies are communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism or other. And that choice does not only affect us.


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Sv: Tell us of your experiences abroad - funny/crazy/odd things.
« Svar #13 på: 10. mar, 2008, 22:58 »

*I am banned from the schools computer network, for "hacking"

Me 2 xD

And i lost my phone down the toilet... don't ask how... -_-*


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Sv: Tell us of your experiences abroad - funny/crazy/odd things.
« Svar #14 på: 11. mar, 2008, 13:21 »
Forget the phone, how did you manage to get banned from the school's network?
Actually, one of the most important themes in the World is that we can all, as individuals, make a choice, and that making the right choice is very important. No matter if our political ideologies are communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism or other. And that choice does not only affect us.


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Sv: Tell us of your experiences abroad - funny/crazy/odd things.
« Svar #15 på: 11. mar, 2008, 20:40 »
I raped them with Cain & Abel xD


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Sv: Tell us of your experiences abroad - funny/crazy/odd things.
« Svar #16 på: 12. mar, 2008, 12:47 »
You go wuffie  [w-happy] And not only did I rape them, I also changed a bit of the system, so I could have Admin acess from anywhere.
Actually, one of the most important themes in the World is that we can all, as individuals, make a choice, and that making the right choice is very important. No matter if our political ideologies are communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism or other. And that choice does not only affect us.


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Sv: Tell us of your experiences abroad - funny/crazy/odd things.
« Svar #17 på: 12. mar, 2008, 14:50 »
me 2, but i did it manually to almost every PC xD
and i used a boot disc on sum of them. (those with 2 much security)


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Sv: Tell us of your experiences abroad - funny/crazy/odd things.
« Svar #18 på: 03. apr, 2008, 13:09 »
*laughs evilly* And they call this security? I've actually managed to get in in a ICA -client that controlled trafficc messages in California, and wrote on the highway signs "Happy yiffing everyone." Or at least it would be easy to do ^^
Actually, one of the most important themes in the World is that we can all, as individuals, make a choice, and that making the right choice is very important. No matter if our political ideologies are communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism or other. And that choice does not only affect us.


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Sv: Tell us of your experiences abroad - funny/crazy/odd things.
« Svar #19 på: 03. apr, 2008, 18:31 »
i installed TightVNC server on all of our home computers, made it run in the background on startup.
And i have PortableVNC on my PSP to control it all ^^


Ziggy Wolf

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Sv: Tell us of your experiences abroad - funny/crazy/odd things.
« Svar #20 på: 06. apr, 2008, 12:08 »
I hacked in to a school account of a frind of mine and flooded it with porn. [laugh]


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Sv: Tell us of your experiences abroad - funny/crazy/odd things.
« Svar #21 på: 07. apr, 2008, 14:39 »
I hacked in to a school account of a frind of mine and flooded it with porn. [laugh]

or normal porn?  =3

Ziggy Wolf

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Sv: Tell us of your experiences abroad - funny/crazy/odd things.
« Svar #22 på: 07. apr, 2008, 23:43 »
Well normal I'f I'd planted yiff wouldn't it have been to obvious?  Besides the guy in question was a major pain in the tail, nearly strangled him once lol.

So here's a list of all the fucked up shit I've done.
Well this thould be embarresing.
Ok so lets start then in cronological order.
I've been dressed up in a dress and make up by my babysitters and taken a photo of. (I could have had a craeer as a dragqueen.)
I boke my arm wile jumping off a flight of stairs dressed in a superman costume. But I won, Hah take that Batman.
I bit the school bully in the leg, he had to take a shot afterwards.
Me and a frind burned down his graden, (by mistake I swear)
Me and another friend blew up a three with a homemade bomb, and accedently set fire to about a square mile of forest, ops
Me and another friend blew up an old wagon with a pipebomb, wich sent shrapnel flying in to several other backyards.
I shot my teacher with a bow and arrow buildt out of stuff in my pan case (I wonder if she still has that mark?)
I almost shot myself with an air rifle, the bullet peirced my tshirt and strafed my nose.
I nearly choped my foot of with an axe, but nobody belived me until I took of my shooe and almost bled to death.
I got so stoned once everybody sounded like smurfs or like they were talking like really slowly.
I once went to a party and ended up with a bunch of nacked people, and I was told that we had run nacked around town.
I accedently squished my, winer in my drawers, (god that hurt like hell, and my gf filmed it, no Im not ganna send it to you)
I got so stoned once, I lay clutching the grass thinking I was going to fall out in t the sky, (stay the fluffing heck away from angeldust m'kay [w-mad])
I puked a friend of mine in the face, he gave me a hug and told me I was his frind . Then he passed out.
The guy from the story above threw up in my shooe the same night.
I gave the jehoas withness a flyrer from the church of satan.
Me and some friends geared up in black, and played the misonimposible song as we stole a pair of tires.
When I was  in this mc gang called the Hemmoriders (cause your ass gets sorta sore after a while) I've driven from mid Norway to the south stopping at every gasstation to test the hotdogs
I've out raced the cops twice, on a moped.
I got peirced after gettin shitfaced drunk out on town, and I fluffing hate needles.
I went to a gas station with a coupple of friends dresed in goth makeup with a bunch of friends, and ordered a babana in hotdog bread with mustard.
I've climed freehand with a thirty meter drop strait down
I've rafted in Jotunheimen, and I was the only one who didn't fall out of the boat.
I've been top the top of Norway's tallest mountain.
I've taken a dive from twelve meters in to Icy waters.
I held a party in the basement of the local county sherifs office, beat that.
I've smuggled absinthe in my little sisters backpack.
And I had a drunken swordfight at my last party, (that's what I get for having my own armoury.)

« Siste redigering: 08. apr, 2008, 08:51 av Ziggy_wolf »