Skrevet av Emne: Lions invading the new forum:p  (Lest 20891 ganger)


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Lions invading the new forum:p
« på: 16. des, 2007, 00:53 »
So this is my new turf, huh?:p Well, i might as well start the scentmarking by introducing myself here:)

I live in Oslo, Norway, i'm 25 yo, and i currently work with the finishing touches on graphical materials that you see everywhere around you:p Commercials, info boards, company logos, labels for /everything/, and i also do the occational  box now and then, as in, i make and fold card board boxes for everything from medications in the pharmacy, to toys in the toy store:p That's boring btw, but someone's gotta do that as well:p I love my job, but unfortunatly, it's coming to an end in not to long...

But enough about that:p

I'm one of the few lions that Norway have to offer:p I'm learning how to draw and paint, i like the musical categories of Rock, Metal, Classical, country, and the occational pop:p I tend to write a lot, so you might as well get used to that from the beginning:p I also sometimes gets in the mood to talk about my Brother, also known as Mick, so you might as well get used to hearing about him as well:p Our relationship is kinda neat:) My friends thinks i'm weird for all the things i say about me and him, but i don't care that much:p I'm happy, he's happy, we're both happy^^, No problems there:p

I'm not sure what else to say about myself here... I tend to be offline for weeks at the time, and then i'm online for a while as well:p I'm not trying to ignore anyone, tho that kinda happens as a result of how i live my life... You all understand, right? I hope... I like my friends a lot, and i like doing stuff together with them:) So i hope you can live with me the way i am:)

And as a warning to all your new folks here: Me, i have the worst memory in history:s I don't pay much attention to /anything/, and i seem to be in my own little world more than often:p I have a sleeping disorder, which might be the cause of my bad memory, so i'm very rarely completely awake:s When i /am/ awake, i like spending time with my brother^^, Which tend to take all my attention away from everyone else... I love my brother, and i love spending time with him. As long as he's around, you'll never find me in a bad mood^^, He has this way to make me forget about everything that's bugging me and that's hard in my life, he gives me peace of mind, and he takes my attention into completely different areas, which makes me able to focus on the things that matter in life instead:) He's just great^^, *Loves his Brother*

But ok, i'll spare you for more of my insane admiration of Mick:p And i'll just say good night instead:) I had a great time out today, so now i can sleep well^^, Good night people;)

*Bounces off to the denbox*

Miles T.F. Baxxter

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Sv: Lions invading the new forum:p
« Svar #1 på: 16. des, 2007, 22:26 »
Velkommen til Norwegian Paws 2, Kaine! Håper å se mer til deg her, om det skulle være på norsk eller på engelsk. Ta gjerne med Mick også. [wink]


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Sv: Lions invading the new forum:p
« Svar #2 på: 23. des, 2007, 21:28 »
Hehe, i don't think Mick is interested:p I can barely get him to stay on FA:S He's not nearly as social as i am you know:p But i think you might meet him one day:) I'm gonna bring him to Norway a lot over time, so if you're here, you'll meet him:)


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Sv: Lions invading the new forum:p
« Svar #3 på: 23. des, 2007, 22:55 »
the lazy sleep lion's return ;)


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Sv: Lions invading the new forum:p
« Svar #4 på: 24. des, 2007, 01:59 »
Vel hello der Kaine, deg kjenner jeg da, hyggeli å se deg rundt her


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Sv: Lions invading the new forum:p
« Svar #5 på: 24. des, 2007, 20:00 »
Thankies^^, Today, i'm the Christmas Lion btw:p

And i'm not /that/ sleepy:S That's just a rumor:p

Oh well, time to get some sleep...I mean:s uh... Hit the gym...:s


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Sv: Lions invading the new forum:p
« Svar #6 på: 25. des, 2007, 15:27 »
Jesus Christ, it's a lion!
Get in the.. uhm..
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."


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Sv: Lions invading the new forum:p
« Svar #7 på: 26. des, 2007, 00:40 »
Moahahahaaa!! }:> You should see the movie "Prey":) That's a movie to be /proud/ of;)


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Sv: Lions invading the new forum:p
« Svar #8 på: 26. des, 2007, 03:21 »
Moahahahaaa!! }:> You should see the movie "Prey":) That's a movie to be /proud/ of;)

Ooh! I've seen it.
It's a good movie. :P

This pic reminds me of it:


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Sv: Lions invading the new forum:p
« Svar #9 på: 28. des, 2007, 20:25 »
Haha:D I had that picture posted on our land in SL for a good while:p /everyone/ commented on it and laughed of it:p It was especcially fun that there actually /was/ a lion nearby, as well as a car that i had placed out for the humor value of it:p


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Sv: Lions invading the new forum:p
« Svar #10 på: 30. des, 2007, 14:52 »
Hello there Kaine nice to meet you, it's nice to see, that not only mee uses English as the main writing language (at least now when there's not a Norwegian keyboard to find in a radius of approx. 2000 km.
Actually, one of the most important themes in the World is that we can all, as individuals, make a choice, and that making the right choice is very important. No matter if our political ideologies are communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism or other. And that choice does not only affect us.


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Sv: Lions invading the new forum:p
« Svar #11 på: 19. jan, 2008, 03:51 »
Hello there Kaine nice to meet you, it's nice to see, that not only mee uses English as the main writing language (at least now when there's not a Norwegian keyboard to find in a radius of approx. 2000 km.

Where are you now again? I remember you from before i think, we never really talked much:p I was too shy:p

And yea, English is my main writing language. I stopped using norwegian many years ago now. I still speak it when people around me speak it, but if i can, i prefer not to:)

Nice to meet you too btw^^, We should talk more this time^^,