Skrevet av Emne: [Skriving] Dem adventures! xD  (Lest 1927 ganger)


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[Skriving] Dem adventures! xD
« på: 22. jan, 2013, 21:48 »
He, lenge siden jeg har vært her nå :3 Anyways, kjeder meg virkelig om dagen, så jeg prøver å gjøre noe jeg ikke har gjort på lenge, å skrive noen kewle historier! Begynner med en soft start her, temaet er fantasy i en verden av furries og mennesker i middelalderen. (Duuh, fantasy lissm?) Uansett, historien er/blir skrevet på engelsk fordi norsk er ekkelt >_< Såh dere kan, hvis dere vil, legge inn en plead om å få bli med i historien! Er ihvertfall slik den er bygget opp i begynnelsen. Hvem som får bli med går ikke på den som legger inn first comment, men den som har den mest compelling fursonaen for storyen. Både navn og utseende gjelder her, så hvis du vil være med må jeg ha et bilde å se til av fusonaen din. Helst. :P Hva du blir og hva du gjør vil være basert på personligheten din, så ligg gjerne inn noen main traights om hvordan du er. :3 Håper starten virker interresant, merket det var lenge siden jeg hadde skrevet noe når jeg skrev den xD Har ikke en tittel ennå heller, men det er en minor detail, finner den ut senere. Jeg er forresten ikke en author, dette er bare tankedribbel jeg skrev ned x3

It’s never easy for an author to know where to begin his story. Neither is it figuring out what the story should be all about in the first place. An epic Sci-Fi, spanning a large galaxy and many different alien species, all fighting against each other for supreme control? Or a grand tale of fantasy and adventure, where brave knights clash with dark monsters and demons, and where heroes struggle to banish the wicked and defend the weak? Or maybe a love story set in modern time, featuring a small group of people and their differences and problems, which ultimately leads them to confessing their true feelings for one another? Maybe something for the older, more mature audience…like a perverted tale describing in detail the sexual interactions between a couple or more? Hmmm…No, it’s never easy for an author to know exactly what his audience will enjoy reading. He could of course get some pointers based on the people he knows is going to read it, but it’s still a tricky job and many more things to consider when writing it down. So for now I think I’ll go with what I enjoy best, writing what I would like to read!

As the sun rose on the horizon, one could spot a town trough the thick fog slowly drifting away from it.  It appeared medieval, much in symphony with the rest of the land. On a hill slightly north of the town stood a large chapel, and on the other of end town was a big red barn and a farming area surrounding it. All the buildings in between appeared to be houses, shops, and storage areas. When one moves in closer as the fog drifts away, we can spot that the town has been barricaded in each of its entrances, the one to the north next to the chapel, and the other to the west with the red barn. What could the purpose of this be? Did something happen here? No townsfolk were to be seen at the moment, but as the sun finally hits the town and the fog disperses, we’re able to see it. A truly gruesome sight.

Several dead bodies were lying all around the town, over fences, under broken carriages, and on top of each other. The main street was painted in a dark red, with corpses littered around everywhere. Some had swords, spears and other weapons sticking into their bodies. Some appeared to be burned and scarred, while some seemed like they’d even been dead for a long while, their skin rotted and decayed, with limbs missing randomly. Ravens can be seen flying back and forth between the ground, picking at the dead bodies and taking with them eyeballs and tongues for dinner.

When one moves closer and walks trough the town, we can see that the different bodies doesn’t all appear to be human, tough humanoid. Some are larger than others, some have fur and some have scales. So this world is inhabited by different races huh. Scouting out the town with one’s gaze, a chill runs down your spine. All this death…is this really what you had imagined when walking into this story? What has happened here? Is this something…I might be involved in? As the questions move trough your mind while you’re standing amidst all the gore and death, you suddenly spot two persons walking towards you! The one appears rather large, with small wings standing out on the back of his white and light blue armor. His armor covered only his chest, as his stomach seemed too large to accommodate it all. In addition he had shoulder pads, a helmet and leg protectors, all of them shining in the bright sun.  The helmet appears to have a small dragon statue on top of it, and in one of his paws he carries a large sword and a black shield in the other.

Beside him walked a shorter person, dressed in white robes that covered his entire body from the neck and down. He carried a large staff with him that was almost as long as he was. On top of it was a small steel circle containing a yellow crystal that seemed to give of a bright light. He had a large blue mane surrounding his head, making him look more like a feline creature, maybe a lion. Walking beside each other you could clearly see the size difference between them, the dragon like person being almost two heads taller than the lion. Who are these two then? And what are they doing here? And more importantly, can you trust them…?