Skrevet av Emne: Helping a friend (Dark)  (Lest 11118 ganger)


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Helping a friend (Dark)
« på: 10. mar, 2008, 12:25 »
Hes been having problems with making new topics, so well try this. ^^


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Sv: Helping a friend (Dark)
« Svar #1 på: 10. mar, 2008, 12:27 »
That would be me XD.  I'm an argentinian VampyrWülf that has some qualities (being demented is one of them).

I'm 23 going to 24 soon, and I'm willing to meet new people and make friends.  Eventually I'll figure out how to navigate in here properly without being a burden to my buddy  [w-happy]


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Sv: Helping a friend (Dark)
« Svar #2 på: 10. mar, 2008, 12:28 »
That would be me XD.  I'm an argentinian VampyrWülf that has some qualities (being demented is one of them).

I'm 23 going to 24 soon, and I'm willing to meet new people and make friends.  Eventually I'll figure out how to navigate in here properly without being a burden to my buddy  [w-happy]

yay! It worked ^^
Awwws. youre not a burden. :P
Most ppl in here is helpfu and nice, so dont be afraid to ask.


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Sv: Helping a friend (Dark)
« Svar #3 på: 10. mar, 2008, 12:38 »
Mae govannen

Sitat fra: Regandor
yay! It worked ^^
Awwws. youre not a burden. Rekker tunge
Most ppl in here is helpfu and nice, so dont be afraid to ask.

Thanks again ^^  I'll roam around further when I'm at home and not at work XD


Miles T.F. Baxxter

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Sv: Helping a friend (Dark)
« Svar #4 på: 11. mar, 2008, 01:48 »
Så, snakker/forstår denne Dark norsk? Kan jeg ønske ham velkommen på mitt morsmål, eller må jeg ta engelsken fatt?


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Sv: Helping a friend (Dark)
« Svar #5 på: 11. mar, 2008, 04:18 »
Mae govannen

Så, snakker/forstår denne Dark norsk? Kan jeg ønske ham velkommen på mitt morsmål, eller må jeg ta engelsken fatt?

Well, I guess that norwegian would be good... at least I can always use some translating tool and understand the basic meanings ^^U (I do now although, that they're not perfect in any way).



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Sv: Helping a friend (Dark)
« Svar #6 på: 11. mar, 2008, 12:37 »
Let'æs just say welcome to out new wolf - count Dracula style [w-happy]
Actually, one of the most important themes in the World is that we can all, as individuals, make a choice, and that making the right choice is very important. No matter if our political ideologies are communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism or other. And that choice does not only affect us.

Miles T.F. Baxxter

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Welcome Dark!
« Svar #7 på: 11. mar, 2008, 13:30 »
Well, I guess that norwegian would be good... at least I can always use some translating tool and understand the basic meanings ^^U (I do now although, that they're not perfect in any way).

I don't mind writing in English, was just curious if you understood Norwegian or not.

But, welcome to the forum! Hope you'll enjoy your stay and that we'll see more of you. Nice to see a few furs of my own generation, too. So many youngsters here these days.


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Sv: Helping a friend (Dark)
« Svar #8 på: 11. mar, 2008, 18:20 »
Welcome   [w-happy]


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Sv: Helping a friend (Dark)
« Svar #9 på: 11. mar, 2008, 21:29 »
Mae govannen

Sitat fra: Roo_Fan
Let'æs just say welcome to out new wolf - count Dracula style

Thank you ^^.  A round of bloodka for all!

Sitat fra: Miles T.F. Baxxter
I don't mind writing in English, was just curious if you understood Norwegian or not.

But, welcome to the forum! Hope you'll enjoy your stay and that we'll see more of you. Nice to see a few furs of my own generation, too. So many youngsters here these days.

Thanks then :)

And we're not that old (are we? :o).  Anyways, fresh meat in this world is alwas welcome, we need to eat XD

Sitat fra: Furryheart

Thank you ^__^



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Sv: Helping a friend (Dark)
« Svar #10 på: 12. mar, 2008, 05:12 »

Gray Fang

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Sv: Helping a friend (Dark)
« Svar #11 på: 12. mar, 2008, 08:53 »
oh yea welcome here ^^ a little late but ^^