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« på: 20. feb, 2008, 17:32 »
Hei! Mitt navm er ban og jeg er en generisk rødrev fra Chicago.  [eek] Jeg verk så en informasjonssikkerhet konsulent og jeg også tenge fra tid å tid... ( - NSFW)

Norsk er ikke mitt forst språk, men jeg er læring...

...and that's about the best I can do at the moment. For reasons I can't explain, for the passed two to three weeks I have been obsessed about's just such an awesome country, not to mention the language is beautiful. And this obsession doesn't seem to be going away either...

That sounds pretty weird I'm sure...but anyhoot, I'm learning as much as I can about the language and culture, and I figured the one of the best ways learn would be too reach out to the furry community in Norway. Simply because furry's are the nicest people I've met and I'm sure that quality is transitive  [ureshii]

All the same though, I hope you guys don't mind a silly American fox stalking around and please don't hesitate to correct me if I butcher the language too much  [blush]



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« Svar #1 på: 20. feb, 2008, 18:36 »
Welcome, and hope you learn more Norwegian soon  [laugh]
 But in the meantime just write English at most of us (all of us) will answer you back in English ^^
Have a great time :D


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« Svar #2 på: 20. feb, 2008, 19:10 »
'lo and welcome. Off course you're welcome to hang around [smile]

Men du vil kanskje heller at vi skriver norsk til deg så du får øvd deg på språket?


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« Svar #3 på: 20. feb, 2008, 20:27 »
Let's see if a Russian wolf, could teach you some norsk  [w-wink] *spells slowly* *rister pote* Velkommen til dette vidunderlige forumet.
Actually, one of the most important themes in the World is that we can all, as individuals, make a choice, and that making the right choice is very important. No matter if our political ideologies are communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism or other. And that choice does not only affect us.

Miles T.F. Baxxter

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Velkommen ban!
« Svar #4 på: 20. feb, 2008, 20:38 »
Hello and welcome, ban! Hope you'll stick around and that we'll see more of you in the near (and distant) future. No particular reason why you've become a Norwegianiac? And it's something that took root recently?

Pretty good drawings, too.


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« Svar #5 på: 20. feb, 2008, 21:43 »
takk for et varm velkommen  [ureshii]

There is no particular reason...I 'spose it started when my boyfriend (min sexy ulv *drools*) mentioned that his grandparents immigrated to the US from Norway during WW2. And having just read a book called "The Ravens," which is about the secret war in Laos during Vietnam, I realized that outside of America...there is a whole world out there with a rich history that I've never been told about, well then I pointed my muzzle towards Norway. Then BAM! Instant Norwegianiac...and yea. It's pretty recent, about two to three weeks ago I started making an active effort to learn the language and I like to think I've came far enough to where I can understand basic grammar principles and can hold a very basic conversation...I'm a quick learner when I'm motivated :) and believe you me, I am very motivated...for no rational reason for course.  [puzzled]

Thanks for the compliment too, I wish I had the time to draw more keeps me too busy.

roo_fan: *riste pote* takk, hyggelig å treffe deg :)

VVolfsong: jaja jeg vil foretrekke at du skriver norsk å hjelp meg lærne. Også...correct me when I say something stupid or if what I'm saying doesn't make any sense. Takk  [cool]

wolftale: Thanks for the tip and I intend to enjoy myself...seems like a great group for furs here. *licks*

Gray Fang

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« Svar #6 på: 21. feb, 2008, 08:24 »
Heisan og Velkommen :) håper du trives her da og lærer det du har lyst til da.  [w-happy]
Ikke la alle ulvene skremme deg da, spiser ikke rev  [razz]

Abit norwegian atlest ^^ from what I heard it's not a verry easy language too learn tho but gl with that hihi. Just wondering, ya got any other interests than Norwegian stuff?

Hope you find your way around here then, I don't think the forum info and all that is on english, like about the hidden forum parts and stuff  [w-cool]


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« Svar #7 på: 21. feb, 2008, 12:17 »
yo ^^
Nice to meet you. always good to meet new furries. :3
*shakes paws*
I shouted on your FA account.

And you write pretty good norwegian. ^^
Some might not even notice your not Norwegian.


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« Svar #8 på: 22. feb, 2008, 02:30 »
Regandor: Hyggelig å treffe deg også  [smile] Thanks for the watch on FA and the complements! Admittedly my writing isn't really that good since I have the luxury of being able to take my time on internet and make sure the words I'm using are correct.  [blush]

Gray Fang: takk og dets hyggelig å kjenne det jeg vil ikke være ett her [ureshii]

I have many other interests outside of Norwegian. I like to draw, although time and motivation haven't helped me in that regard...I like to play games on my PC (Counter Strike: Source mostly), cook, read, and I also like to go hiking. But unfortunately work keeps me tied up way too much, so I don't get to spend as much time as I like doing those things...

What are some of your interests?

...and what's this about a hidden part of the forum?  [razz]


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« Svar #9 på: 22. feb, 2008, 02:32 »
Ahh, g'day mate, and good to see you on this forum.

Nice to see some Americans that actually interest themself in Norawy, makes me all warm and fuzzy to hear it..

Anyhow, welcome, The name's Kixt. *Extend paw*


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« Svar #10 på: 22. feb, 2008, 02:58 »
I have many other interests outside of Norwegian. I like to draw, although time and motivation haven't helped me in that regard...I like to play games on my PC (Counter Strike: Source mostly), cook, read, and I also like to go hiking. But unfortunately work keeps me tied up way too much, so I don't get to spend as much time as I like doing those things...

cool ^^
My interestis is my bf (Gray Fang), read, cook, PC games (about almost everything. hehe), draw (I'm not good at it tho), furries, watching movies and lots of other stuff. :3
My dream is to travel around the world, experience stuff, taste it. And share it all with someone close to me.
I want to make myself a good reputation and i want lots of friends.
And, the first step for that dream, will be taken this year.
In may, my bf and me is going to (cencur) (he don't know yet. hehe) for a week. and then I'm going to england on confuzzled. after that me and my bf is going to EF, and after there again i might (if im lucky) go to gran canaria.
I'm not rich or anything. :P I'm just lucky and happened to have lots of oppertuneties i grabbed and used.

Gray Fang

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« Svar #11 på: 22. feb, 2008, 12:29 »
hehe well my interests is kidna simillar too Regandor with a few twists ^^
Like for starters my main focus latley is my BF Regandor hehe *kisses* I watch alot of series and movies, play diffrent games, mainly RPG, FPS,strategy, and car games. I tried drawing abit but I kinda failed and lost hope afther a few drawing hehe. Other thna that anythign Furry related is good ^^ everything from plushies too Yiff xD, and if I had the money I would be havign a fursuit too, I thin kthat would be awsome hehe. and when I got a moment away from my pc not drooling over Regandor or the yiff stash I drive aroudn wrecking my poor car  [razz]

Oh and Cuddly kittens, proably more fun for me atlest with a suprice so I actualy managed too not dig so hard hehe.. about the vecation I mean  [w-happy]

OH and Conter Strike: source ruined the series! :P just like Battlefield 2142 did for them and Fallout tactics for Fallout... damn sucky sequals poping out too far and ruining it by being poorly made and designed to osurf the succes of the originals ^^


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« Svar #12 på: 22. feb, 2008, 13:35 »
Well I could say my interests differ, since I'm not that Norwegian 
[w-wink]  well of cource gaming, but I prefer simulators, like Lock On: Modern Air Combat, Trainz, MSFS, MSTS, Ysflight. Have a Steam account with HL2 and CSS (not the orange box) else I do some 3d modeling on my pc (just the basic stuff) outside of this box with wires and a screen I like to draw (not so good yet, but my goal is at least to get on Ayame's level  [w-happy]) And people say, I'm godd with my paws, since I have made lot of things, from cupboards with russian themed engraving, which I sold to traditional russian food. And my secret project - a fursuit, which I'm in progress of making. (working on the paws) My other interests are Trains,weapons ( I have an 7.62 semi-automatic rifle home in Russia), nature and long trips in her, diving, listening to good music. And lot of other lesser things, that would be too much to list here  [w-wink] And if you would like to get to know me betetr, I'm availible on MSN.

And again my english sucks, so exuse it.
Actually, one of the most important themes in the World is that we can all, as individuals, make a choice, and that making the right choice is very important. No matter if our political ideologies are communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism or other. And that choice does not only affect us.


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« Svar #13 på: 23. feb, 2008, 07:22 »
Txik: *shakes paw* Nice to meet you  [ureshii] I could go into an awfully long rant about Americans and the majorities extreme ethno/geocentric mentalities and how it's harming our global image...but I'll save that for another thread.

Regandor: We have something in common...we both have a gray wolf for a boyfriend and we both love our respective wolves :o Have you ever been to any cons before? I haven't myself...I lack the courage for that  [eek]

Gray Fang: The only way to get good at drawing is to practice, practice, and practice some more! I know I'm not one to talk since I've really drawn anything in a while...but all the same it's something that is very important to any developing artist. What kind of car do you drive? I kinda just bought a new 2007 Subaru WRX and the poor thing is already in the auto body shop...I blame the absolutely shitty roads in Chicago [sad]

roo_fan: Your english is MUCH better than most people I talk to online so no need to apologize  [razz] I too love driving and listening to music...I bought my car new in May and have already put 24.000 km on it [eek] What kind of music do you like?

Thanks all again for the warm welcome and I look forward to talking with you in future  [ureshii]


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« Svar #14 på: 23. feb, 2008, 13:54 »
Regandor: We have something in common...we both have a gray wolf for a boyfriend and we both love our respective wolves :o Have you ever been to any cons before? I haven't myself...I lack the courage for that  [eek]

Yay! wuffs rock don't they? :3
I've never been on a con before tho. But, I'm going to confuzzled and eurofurence this year. COnfuzzled is gonan be my first one. ^^
Why do you lack the courage?  It's not bad, and they don't bite.. i think. :P

Gray Fang

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« Svar #15 på: 23. feb, 2008, 15:10 »
Gray Fang: The only way to get good at drawing is to practice, practice, and practice some more! I know I'm not one to talk since I've really drawn anything in a while...but all the same it's something that is very important to any developing artist. What kind of car do you drive? I kinda just bought a new 2007 Subaru WRX and the poor thing is already in the auto body shop...I blame the absolutely shitty roads in Chicago [sad]

Nothing anymore, I totaled it last night crashing into some othger car at 60-70 km\h, my shoulder and neck hurts abit but I'l live hehe.
Used too drive a Nissan Primera P10 92, probly gonna be turned into a cube soon :P just need too get the stero outa it ^^


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« Svar #16 på: 23. feb, 2008, 17:58 »
Regandor: Yes, wuffs do rock! I mean come on, they're just sssooooo tasty and nom-able. What's not to love about em?

Gray Fang: I'm very sorry to hear that and it's a good thing you're alright...that's all thats important, we can always get a new car.


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« Svar #17 på: 23. feb, 2008, 18:25 »
Regandor: Yes, wuffs do rock! I mean come on, they're just sssooooo tasty and nom-able. What's not to love about em?

hehe. indeed :3
I want to snuggle him all day long. ^^

I hopew he'll feel better soon. after that car accident and stuff.
If i was good at massaging, i would have given him a looong good massage.


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« Svar #18 på: 24. feb, 2008, 01:11 »
About the music, anything ranging from classic to dance and rock with heavy metall, not such things as Britney Fears  [w-happy] or anything withing rap. Focusing on classic rock like led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Mettallica, and so forth.
Actually, one of the most important themes in the World is that we can all, as individuals, make a choice, and that making the right choice is very important. No matter if our political ideologies are communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism or other. And that choice does not only affect us.

Miles T.F. Baxxter

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« Svar #19 på: 24. feb, 2008, 12:48 »
...and what's this about a hidden part of the forum?  [razz]

As you might have been able to read in the FAQ, there are a few restricted subforums, namely Yiff, Furmeets, and Bakrommet. Access is reserved for those who have shown themselves to be trustworthy and sincere, so to say, and they have to ask on of the administrators for access. There's not too much "exciting secret stuff going" on in these though (but it may depend on your relationship toward cake and zetatoys), and Furmeets is mostly of interest if you actually live in Norway.