Skrevet av Emne: Drømmetyding?  (Lest 2237 ganger)


  • Gjest
« på: 24. mar, 2014, 16:52 »
Hva betyr det når det er en ting som alltid gjentar seg i drømmene dine? Frykt og fobi, eller noe du må prøve å komme over?

For meg er det bier, noen ganger en, noen ganger flere, og de kommer ALLTID på slutten av drømmen og jeg våkner alltid. Jeg prøver å drepe de, men når jeg ikke klarer det, våkner jeg, noen ganger av at jeg vifter armene mine mot den i frykt. På slutten av drømmen i natt skulle jeg og en venn bake noe, og hun hadde en mel pose, og jeg spurte hvordan sjekker du om melet er fint uten noe småkryp i, og hun sa at da må du snu posens innhold opp ned, og inni melet var hundrevis av døde humler, og jeg ba henne knyte sammen posen mens jeg hentet en ny pose for å putte den posen i, og da våknet jeg.

Jeg har fobi mot bier, men er det bare derfor de gjentar seg i drømene mine? det skjer ikke hver natt, men er alltid den delen jeg husker...


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Sv: Drømmetyding?
« Svar #1 på: 24. mar, 2014, 20:57 »
"Dreaming of bees symbolize wealth, good luck, harmony, creativity and bliss. Getting stung means you've been wronged somehow. Bees are also symbolic of hard work: Ever heard the phrase 'busy as a bee'?

Dreaming of bees symbolize a number of things. It can mean wealth, harmony and good luck, as well as creativity and bliss. They symbolize hard work or industrial work/ers, but if you get stung in your dream it means you've somehow been wronged or not careful enough not to disturb whatever the bee symbolize. Wildly guessing, here's what I think:

Are you working on something? Maybe a project or a dream you're working to achieve. If that's the case your dream might be telling you to be careful and keep your cool about it, because if you don't watch out, or start to panic, you'll get stung. Getting stung in this context would probably mean either getting stressed out or losing interest. Alternatively, the bees could represent competition. In a good aspect that could help you achieve the positive things the bees symbolize(wealth, good luck ect.) and in a negatvie one, it's competition that could hurt you a lot. Either way they're there, and unless you keep your cool around them and keep yourself from making hasty decitions, you'll disturb the bees and you'll get stung."

hmm fant noe men vet ikke om det hjelper i det hele tatt xD better than nothing


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Sv: Drømmetyding?
« Svar #2 på: 24. mar, 2014, 22:11 »
disse vil kanskje hjelpe =) ser altid på den ' dream moods ' <3


  • Gjest
Sv: Drømmetyding?
« Svar #3 på: 25. mar, 2014, 18:08 »
"Dreaming of bees symbolize wealth, good luck, harmony, creativity and bliss. Getting stung means you've been wronged somehow. Bees are also symbolic of hard work: Ever heard the phrase 'busy as a bee'?

Dreaming of bees symbolize a number of things. It can mean wealth, harmony and good luck, as well as creativity and bliss. They symbolize hard work or industrial work/ers, but if you get stung in your dream it means you've somehow been wronged or not careful enough not to disturb whatever the bee symbolize. Wildly guessing, here's what I think:

Are you working on something? Maybe a project or a dream you're working to achieve. If that's the case your dream might be telling you to be careful and keep your cool about it, because if you don't watch out, or start to panic, you'll get stung. Getting stung in this context would probably mean either getting stressed out or losing interest. Alternatively, the bees could represent competition. In a good aspect that could help you achieve the positive things the bees symbolize(wealth, good luck ect.) and in a negatvie one, it's competition that could hurt you a lot. Either way they're there, and unless you keep your cool around them and keep yourself from making hasty decitions, you'll disturb the bees and you'll get stung."

hmm fant noe men vet ikke om det hjelper i det hele tatt xD better than nothing

Det hjalp litt, fikk et annet syn på det :)