Norwegian Paws

Generelt => For the Norwegian-impaired => Emne startet av: Regandor på 20. apr, 2008, 12:28

Skrevet av: Regandor20. apr, 2008, 12:28
Anyone been on before?
I found the site yesterday. :P
Check out my profile and feel free to comment.

I'm gonna check and see if that communety is any good. :3

But, whatever it is. It is a good place to put your fursona up, and just give people that wonders about it a link to your page.
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Skrevet av: roo_fan20. apr, 2008, 15:09
Ser bra ut, skal prøve det ^^
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Skrevet av: Ziggy Wolf20. apr, 2008, 17:11
got a spot there not much activity. It seems to come and go.  But it's a good designed site, kinda like a cross between vcl and FA
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Skrevet av: Gray Fang21. apr, 2008, 08:36
skal vi se da her er da ett forsøk fra meg :P
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Skrevet av: Alyxx26. apr, 2008, 01:28
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Skrevet av: Wolftale27. apr, 2008, 14:26
can not tell you if I am going to be active there or not :p I am lazy!
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Skrevet av: Trash27. apr, 2008, 15:19
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Skrevet av: Aikho28. apr, 2008, 20:11
It doesn't look interesting enough, besides, if I made a user I would use it once or twice and then forget about it..

Also, I'm moving this topic to the English section of the forum.
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Skrevet av: Regandor28. apr, 2008, 21:51
It doesn't look interesting enough, besides, if I made a user I would use it once or twice and then forget about it..

Also, I'm moving this topic to the English section of the forum.

so, what you say is that we can't talk english in any other place than in the section for the "norwegian impaired"?
U should have told us sooner.
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Skrevet av: Aikho29. apr, 2008, 07:45
so, what you say is that we can't talk english in any other place than in the section for the "norwegian impaired"?
U should have told us sooner.

It wasn't a problem before, and the only rule we had was common sense, that's the reason we didn't say anything.
Sorry for your inconvenience.
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Skrevet av: Gray Fang29. apr, 2008, 07:50
so, what you say is that we can't talk english in any other place than in the section for the "norwegian impaired"?
U should have told us sooner.

It wasn't a problem before, and the only rule we had was common sense, that's the reason we didn't say anything.
Sorry for your inconvenience.

Halvparten av trådene her er på norsk da :P så passer da ikke helt inn i kategorien ^^ er en av de blanda trpdene så er ikke så alt for nytting for folk som ikke kan noe norsk uansett.
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Skrevet av: Trash29. apr, 2008, 11:29
so, what you say is that we can't talk english in any other place than in the section for the "norwegian impaired"?
U should have told us sooner.

It wasn't a problem before, and the only rule we had was common sense, that's the reason we didn't say anything.
Sorry for your inconvenience.

Halvparten av trådene her er på norsk da :P så passer da ikke helt inn i kategorien ^^ er en av de blanda trpdene så er ikke så alt for nytting for folk som ikke kan noe norsk uansett.

Agreed, hehe.

100 % engelsk, ellers funker det dårlig.

Lite vits i å flytte tråder i hytt å pine av den grunn, hehe, gir egentlig bare inntrykk av triggerhappy adminer anyways.
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Skrevet av: Aikho29. apr, 2008, 14:33
Only two posts in this topic was Norwegian when I moved it.
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Skrevet av: Trash29. apr, 2008, 18:56
Vel, 2 av 8 poster er faktisk 25 % av topicet, så  [w-cool].
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Skrevet av: roo_fan30. apr, 2008, 11:21
Now is it important where this topic lies? AS long as it is not closed  [razz]
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Skrevet av: Rekondo07. mai, 2008, 22:33

theeere u go  [w-wink]
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Skrevet av: Felix09. mai, 2008, 16:19
*does the sheep thingy*