Norwegian Paws

Generelt => For the Norwegian-impaired => Emne startet av: Ziggy Wolf på 14. apr, 2008, 17:30

Tittel: Annyone know how to make good fur texture in ps or painter?
Skrevet av: Ziggy Wolf14. apr, 2008, 17:30
Um Yeah, so I'm writing this in enligh so everybody can understand this.
Got anny good tutureals for making "realistic" fur texture in photoshop, painter or anny other drawing prog?
Or how about textures in general? Leather, fabric  and steel would be interesting.
Or where the fluff I can get a motherfluffing fur brush that acually works, tried a coupple on DA they mostly suck.  [w-mad]
Annyhow, annybody want me to draw their fursona?
Tittel: Sv: Annyone know how to make good fur texture in ps or painter?
Skrevet av: roo_fan14. apr, 2008, 19:06
Try the smudge tool, with a fur brush overlay.
Tittel: Sv: Annyone know how to make good fur texture in ps or painter?
Skrevet av: Aikho15. apr, 2008, 15:59
Smudge a gradient, works like a charm... but play with the settings to get w/e effect you want
Also, I move this to the English section... English topics in the Norwegian parts of the forum is annoying...
Tittel: Sv: Annyone know how to make good fur texture in ps or painter?
Skrevet av: Tellos15. apr, 2008, 21:36
I sat down and tested around a little. I mean.. there are 1000 ways of drawing fur, textures and it all depends gow detailed, realistic, comic, colorised, wow.. you want it.

I did a little try here tho.

1. Added base fur color with a thin brush, right to left, thin to thinner, then smudged it, made it pretty difuse.
2. Went over with a darker color, drawing thinner strands of fur, smudged it, tho not quite as much as the previous layer.
3. Went over with a very thin brush, brighter fur, adding more texture to it.
4. chose a darker color, drew in characteristics to the fur.. almost like adding shadow to a character or an item, I made small "bulks" of dark fur to make the fur look a little thick and webbed.
5. chose the smudge tool, rather big brush (30% strength) and smudged it just a little to make the lines seem less clear.

+. Something I tested afterwards was using the color of fur(white in this case) and made thin return strands of fur just to make a transition, smudged this VERY mildly.

It's rather tideous work :p going over maybe HUGE pics with 5 and 3px brushes (even down to 2 or 1px) tho it leaves rather AWESOME results.

When it comes to fur brushes... making your own shouldnt be too hard. Create a brush out of 4 1 to 3px specks :p that way you wont have to draw every single little strand of fur.

I managed to smudge the basecolor a bit too much here.

Played around a littlebit in PS with levels and saturation..
Tittel: Sv: Annyone know how to make good fur texture in ps or painter?
Skrevet av: roo_fan16. apr, 2008, 11:04
Thank you very much for sharing this, I'm shure it will come to good use ¨^ *fiddles with Photoshop, creating crazy-coloured fur* Yay  [w-happy]
Tittel: Sv: Annyone know how to make good fur texture in ps or painter?
Skrevet av: Ziggy Wolf18. apr, 2008, 08:57
Hm that's acually much better than the tuturealis I've found, Thanx for sharing, I really needed this I'll be posting the result over the weekend. om my FA page.  Tailhuggs Tellos [w-happy] thanx dude
Tittel: Sv: Annyone know how to make good fur texture in ps or painter?
Skrevet av: Gray Fang25. apr, 2008, 09:31
from previus experience with searching for diffrent guides for drawing, just simply going too and try a few diffrent search words there usualy gave you a good ilustrated guide for most things.